Zodiac Signs

3 Zodiac Signs Will Have A Breakup Soon: Their Hearts Are Breaking

Find out which zodiac signs are at risk of a breakup at the end of the month

The jubilation of the end-of-year celebrations does not end in style for some of you. Bad news: some zodiac signs seem to have been shunned by Cupid and will probably experience some pretty trying times in their love life. According to the predictions of the stars, these natives will not have a “happy ending” with their partners and will even fall prey to heartache. Bad luck for these astrological signs which are likely to suffer from it. Top hearts! To console you a little, we are going to provide you in this article with some keys to better overcome this difficult ordeal.


At the end of March, the morale of this native of the zodiac will not be in good shape. And for good reason, his companion intends to end the relationship. Suffice it to say that the last few months were rather chaotic: the couple was already suffering from ups and downs, punctuated by tensions and disputes daily. The verdict was therefore without appeal. Despite reconciliation efforts, this romance may have been doomed from the start.

Nothing is impossible, a turnaround may be on the horizon. Whether it’s a divorce, a breakup, or just a separation, people born under this zodiac sign should maximize the odds in an attempt to save their relationship. Otherwise, they will suffer a lot and their plans for the future will be turned upside down.

Unfortunately, astrologers are rather pessimistic about a possible reconciliation. It’s a safe bet that Aquarius will go through an extremely difficult and tense period if the situation does not improve. Whether it’s infidelity, jealousy, a third party, or irreconcilable differences, this zodiac native could likely go through a very painful breakup. But, this bad luck on the sentimental level does not have to collapse you either. Don’t forget: after the rain comes the good weather!


If you feel like you’re running out of patience and need freedom during this time, it could prompt you to end a relationship that’s no longer right for you. It could be possible for you to decide to break up after the end of the summer holidays or at the start of the school year. Suddenly, things become clear to you, you no longer feel fulfilled in your relationship, you feel limited, you do not have the support you wanted, you have less and less in common and you could consider separating.


You are seriously considering ending your relationship in the next few weeks. You feel like you made the right choice because the next few months could be beneficial for your romantic life. Whether you decide to break up or simply change the habits that have put your relationship to sleep, it is important to take the time to think carefully about your feelings, your expectations, and what could make you happier in your life.

How to overcome a romantic separation?

A romantic separation is a painful situation in which we can all find ourselves. We often have the impression that it will be insurmountable, but certain keys can help you better face things.

Many psychologists recommend the following strategies  to overcome a breakup  :

1.  Acceptance: this is an essential condition for moving forward. You have to accept the pain of the breakup, without feeding it. You must learn to mourn your history, using various strategies to adapt to the context in which you are evolving. Crying, for example, is a normal, human process. You should not suppress your feelings or your emotions. But, to better understand the situation, it is important to be supported by those around you. Allow yourself to feel the pain, without censorship or guilt. Right after a breakup, it’s natural to feel lost and unhappy. Give yourself enough time to empty everything in your heart. But, to better understand the situation, it is important to be supported by those around you.

2.  Seek social support: Even if you are strong and courageous by nature, there is no shame in asking for help and support from those close to you. You need comfort and distractions. Understanding, compassion, and listening to others are necessary during this trying time. Above all, do not isolate yourself! On the contrary, surround yourself as often as possible, accept positive advice, and even help from a specialist if you feel the need.

3.  Take some distance: the important thing is to surround yourself with caring people who give off positive vibes. But, you have every right to limit the use of social media, eliminate your ex-partner from the networks, or take a step back from your active social life. There is nothing selfish or immature about wanting to take time for yourself. It is legitimate to open a parenthesis and run away from all sorts of parasites that could dampen your morale.

4.  Accept your responsibility: This is not about excessive guilt either. It would be pointless to hurt yourself more. You just have to keep in mind that in a couple, there are two entities in their own right, and each has a share of responsibility during a breakup. Acknowledging one’s wrongs is an important step in learning a good lesson and better understanding the future. Without hurting yourself or excusing the other’s behavior, try to put things into perspective and determine how you have impacted the relationship.

5.  Make short-term plans: to clear your mind, it is advisable to develop certain skills, go in search of new rewarding activities, focus on something positive, and create new social relationships. And then, you know the adage: “one lost, ten found!” »

6.  Avoid false hopes: when we are heartbroken and suffering from having lost the other, we are tempted to want to pick up the pieces by deceiving ourselves. Believing that things can “change”, despite all your attempts to save the couple, is a trap that many people fall into. Remember that nothing has worked and your paths must go their separate ways, even if the idea is still confusing. The more you break the chains, the more you will go forward!

7.  Don’t seek revenge: It’s natural for you to be angry, especially if the breakup stems from fidelity. But it is necessary to avoid transforming this rage into hatred. The latter can push you to want revenge on the object of your anger. You risk injuring yourself more and causing a lot of damage around you. There’s no need to put yourself down at this point: accept your anger, but don’t let it vampirize you. Try to control it as much as possible. As long as you do, use this excess energy in cultural or physical activities that will stimulate your daily life.

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