Zodiac Signs

5 Comics For Those Who Love Astrology, Tarot, And Witchcraft

Are you a fan of comics, but also of astrology, magic, or tarot? We have selected five graphic gems that combine the best of both worlds.

Some people take half a dozen novels on holiday, others prefer to enjoy comics on the beach: it also has a parasol effect. “It takes up too much space in the suitcase” some will argue, Virgos will simply answer that you just have to tidy up better. Because the game is worth the candle. For those who love comics as much as magic and tarot cards: we have exactly what you need.

“Astrology” by Liv Strömquist, Karin Cyrén and Sophie Jouffreau

After her feminist bestsellers such as “The Feelings of Prince Charles” or “The Origin of the World”, the Swedish author returned in 2023 with a comic strip dedicated to astrology. With humor and bite, she draws the caricatured temperament of each member of the zodiac, from Aries to Pisces… And each time, the story of a famous person whose astrological sign it is. Lots of colors, self-mockery, and a few circumstantial reflections on the renewed interest in astrology accompany a serious comic strip that does not take itself seriously.

“Arcana” by Serena Blasco

This colorful saga is the favorite of this selection. It follows the journey of Fauna and Flora, twins separated at birth in the world of Arcana, inspired by the tarot. One comes from the Isle of Wands, the other from the Isle of Swords. We follow them on an initiatory journey filled with magic, friendship, and secrets. Between fantasy and adventure, distilling values ​​of inclusiveness and solidarity, “Arcana” is to be put in everyone’s hands. A significant bonus: you will come away with a good knowledge of the major arcana of the tarot. Three volumes to devour urgently and to offer for all occasions.

“The Fool’s Journey – At the Heart of Tarot” by Julie Lapierre

If you haven’t yet dared to dive into the reference work “The Way of Tarot” by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Marianne Costa, this graphic novel is waiting for you. A journey in black and white where we follow the character of the Fool (or the Mat ), the only major arcana of the tarot without a number, in his journey among the world of other arcana. It’s beautiful, it’s entertaining and it’s perfect for a fan of cartomancy.

“Coven” by Taous Merakchi and Da Coffee Time

Those who spent their youthful afternoons watching “Charmed” or “Buffy” are in for a treat: “Coven” is the story of witches that French comics were missing. Four teenage girls decide to cast a spell to protect the tree in the park that they love so much from being cut down and… It works. A little too well. So much so that they awaken something that is a little beyond their control. Perfect for diving back into the atmosphere of fantasy series as well as teen movies.

“Persephone” by Loïc Locatelli-Kournwsky

What seems to crystallize the current craze around the witch is the notion of power. However, Persephone is devoid of magical powers. The heroine of this comic strip between fantasy and futurism is however the daughter of the witch Ceres, but she will have to wait for a mishap during a school trip to the world of the Underworld to discover her story. Inspired by Greek mythology, this comic strip rewrites its codes and transports us into a dreamlike universe where the word “power” has many meanings.

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