Zodiac Signs

6 signs that try to control their partner. They want a slave, not a lover!

Are you one of those people who tries to control your partner, throws tantrums, is moody and demanding? If so, it might have something to do with your zodiac sign!

You may be difficult in public but sweet and caring in private with your partner. Or maybe vice versa. Or maybe both.Sometimes when we start to get too comfortable with the person next to us, we like to test their limits or maybe make it uncontrollable.  

Although trying to control someone is childish behavior, adults do this very often, regardless of gender.

This behavior crosses the lines of intimacy and is completely toxic to any kind of relationship

Not everyone can tolerate such behavior, it takes a lot of compassion, patience and care to accept someone who is completely obsessed with control. And not everyone has these qualities!

Sometimes we act this way because we don’t get the attention we deserve or feel unappreciated and don’t know how to get what we need from our partner. Other times, being obsessed with control is part of our personality, and if our partner can’t handle it, we have to decide if it’s worth changing.

Here are the 6 zodiac signs that try to control their partner:


Cancer is sensitive and sometimes pours out their feelings on their partner. If Cancer feels that it is not being listened to or that it is not getting the attention it needs, it will act quite possessive and suffocating.

He can be slightly possessive at first, then pushes the mark and wants to have absolute control over his partner, leaving him confused and unsure of what to do next.

Cancer is so sensitive that it can be quite difficult to tell what triggered such behavior and what it needs to calm down.


Scorpio is another zodiac sign that feels hurt when it isn’t treated the way it wants or deserves. He may harbor resentment, but refuses to explain why he is unhappy with his partner’s behavior.

He also takes out his frustrations on his partner through aggressive and possessive behavior. No matter what he does to calm him down, it won’t be enough.

If the Scorpio partner does something he doesn’t like, this zodiac sign will take over his life and try to control him at every step.

It will invade his intimate space and be downright suffocating. The bad part is that this happens quite often because he will demand things from his partner that he cannot give.


Patience is not something Aries excels at. He is impulsive and will sometimes do the worst things to his partner. He might feel bad about what he said or did right away, but he won’t mind and will do the same next time.

Aries is very stubborn and when he doesn’t get what he wants willingly, he will do whatever it takes to get there. He is sensitive to his own feelings, but forgets to consider his partner’s.

He becomes obsessed with control and her every move, invading her space and life in his quest to get what he needs. By force!


Geminis can get bored easily and this is especially true when they are in a relationship. They are impatient with their partners and then become frustrated if they feel they are not getting what they asked for.

When there is a problem in the relationship, Gemini may accuse their partner of not trying hard enough or not caring.

They can be very possessive, nagging, angry and changeable, complain and treat their partner like a child to manipulate. 


When a Taurus is frustrated, he may cause a scene with his partner in public and then walk away without even finding a solution. When his partner accuses him of being insensitive and acting weird, he will turn everything against him.

There are times when his partner tries to express his feelings, but Taurus blocks them. This individual tends to believe that he is always right, and if his loved one does not agree with him, it is clear that she is wrong and not him.

He behaves toxic especially in public, because he is driven by the feeling of shame and does not want to appear weak in any way. He wants to lead the conversation, make decisions for both of them, and dictate his life, making his partner a slave to him.


More often than not, when Pisces don’t get what they want, they play the victim. It doesn’t always work and can make things worse. It’s no secret that Pisces get angry very quickly, yelling, slamming doors, and crying out loud to let their partner know how hurt they are.

Using numerous manipulation techniques, they try to control their partner and turn them into a puppet from which they can do anything.

They check everything, know everything, call non-stop and want to live their partners life too. Sometimes only their partners.

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