Zodiac Signs

Astrological Signs Ranked From Most Difficult To Easiest To Fall In Love With

1. Aquarius

You are distant. You withdraw into yourself to protect yourself from heartache.

This is why you are the hardest one to fall in love with.

You are incredibly loving and caring. You are honest and trustworthy, but you are afraid of being hurt.

So you distance yourself from everyone who tries to get closer to you, who is interested in you in any way.

You must put this fear aside and open your heart to love. Not everyone is trying to hurt you. Not everyone will try to manipulate you.

You are the only thing that stands in the way of your quest for true love.

2. Gemini

You are a very difficult person to understand. You change your mind and your mood every day.

Do you know how people go from one extreme to the other when they are extremely shy about doing one thing and shameless about doing another?

Well, you are exactly like that. You are dynamic but mysterious, both open and closed.

If someone catches you on one of your good days, they will fall in love with you instantly because you are charming and cute as hell, but if they catch you on a bad day, that’s a different story.

If you give them the opportunity, people will easily fall in love with you.

But it’s your emotional state spilling over everywhere that prevents them from understanding you.

3. Capricorn

You are a person who is quite easy to fall in love with. You work hard and you are ambitious.

You want to do something with your life. You think about the future and you work so hard to make your dreams come true.

You like to have control over your life and that’s fine. The problem is that you are trying to control your emotions.

You can’t make yourself feel something and you can’t control your heart the same way you control your life.

When it comes to love, you visualize the worst-case scenario that could happen, just in case, so you won’t be surprised or hurt when it happens.

Maybe in real life, it works, but it doesn’t work like that with love.

4. Scorpio

You are so fun to hang out with. You are passionate about everything you do and, above all, you take things seriously.

So when you are in love, you take it seriously too.

But there is a little problem with this. Sometimes you take things too seriously and lose control.

You become jealous and possessive for fear of losing the person you care about.

You become paranoid and don’t trust them. This makes it difficult for others to trust you, and therefore it is difficult to fall in love with you.

5. Virgo

What makes falling in love with a Virgo difficult is getting to know their part.

You are very secretive about your life and you don’t let people in easily.

When someone gets a chance to talk to you, they will see what a charming, intelligent, and caring person you are. But it is almost impossible to get there.

You can’t control every aspect of your life and you can’t control whether you fall in love with the wrong person or not.

So, if you don’t want to die alone, try to trust people and allow them to get to know you.

6. Leo

The part of you that makes it difficult for others to fall in love with you is your ego, which easily turns you into something you are not.

You become bossy and condescending. You act like you’re the smartest and no one can touch you.

And on the other hand, it’s also easy to fall in love with you because of the generous and loving part of you. Your passion and curiosity make you interesting.

So, shut up and let people fall in love with the beautiful person that you are.

7. Pisces

It’s not easy to like yourself from the start. You may appear a little reserved and cautious.

And it doesn’t matter because you’re just a little afraid of ending up hurt.

But this fear doesn’t hold you for too long. Very quickly, you let people get closer to you and you let them see your passionate and sensitive side.

After that, there’s nothing left for you to do. Your personality is so attractive that almost no one can resist it.

8. Aries

You, like many other people on earth, have some problems when it comes to relationships. We all fear being hurt but at different levels.

You are not a lost cause and once you overcome this fear, you will be more than ready to take someone down.

You are the perfect person to have a relationship with. You are compassionate and kind.

You care about people. You remember important dates and birthdays. You are simply the perfect partner.

9. Libra

You are truly someone special. It’s so easy to fall in love with you because when they are around you, people feel special.

They have a lot of fun and every situation is a new experience that they have never had with anyone else.

You bring out their fun, happy side and some of them haven’t seen that side in a long time.

So when someone like you makes them happy, it appeals to them to the point that they will want to spend all their time with you.

10. Sagittarius

You have so many qualities that people can’t resist. When you want something, you ask for it.

When you want to give your opinion on something, you are honest.

Your laughter and constant optimism light up every room you enter.

People are mesmerized and very few of them don’t fall in love with you.

11. Taurus

You are the most loyal sign in astrology. You are extremely dedicated and you prioritize the people who matter to you.

Who wouldn’t fall in love with someone like that?

You like commitment and honesty and have no problem trusting others.

This is why people have absolutely no trouble falling in love with you. You are like a dream come true.

You know what you want and what can make you happy, so when you come across someone with potential, you let them in.

12. Cancer

Those who don’t fall in love with you have a heart of stone. It is then impossible for these people to fall in love with anyone.

You are honest about your feelings and you are not afraid to show them.

You circulate incredibly warm energy around you, so people feel good and positive when they are around you.

You truly understand human emotions and know how to help someone feel better.

People fall in love with you very easily because you are the most beautiful person to love.

You make them feel protected and able to trust you. You are the jackpot of every relationship!

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