Zodiac Signs

Here’s A Tarot Spread For Each Zodiac Sign For The Week Of December 5th To 11th.

Do you want to know what this week has in store for you? Then quickly read the Tarot layout for each zodiac sign from the grand master of Tarot Olna Lemberg!

Tarot for Aries – 2 of Pentacles

The tarot forecast promises that the week will be filled with all sorts of small fuss, mostly domestic and generally related to material troubles. But even the most insignificant things will need to be done carefully; it’s the little things that can turn out to be important. So just turn the wheels of your daily routine, be attentive, careful – it will pay off in the end.

Tarot for Taurus – Ace of Swords

Some decisive event will happen to you or you will make it yourself. You will decide something and implement it without delay because the time for thinking has passed, now you need to act. To end something, to finish something, on the contrary, to finally begin, to draw a certain line.

Tarot for Gemini – Wheel of Fortune

And you wait for some changes or events related to external changes. Beware of seasonal illnesses – colds and injuries from ice. And keep track of random signs and chances – what if you get lucky on these days, so, by chance, there will be a sudden win or meeting, change is always a chance, and life is diversified.

Tarot for Cancer – Page of Swords

These days, be careful and vigilant, don’t let anyone get close, don’t be frank with anyone, and listen to whoever says what, but even then, don’t believe it, check everything, and more than once. Such alertness will prevent you from making mistakes or missing something important this week.

Tarot for Leo – 7 of Swords

You also shouldn’t trust others these days, especially since you will act more quietly, secretly, and cunningly. Don’t get caught! And make sure that you don’t get tricked either, turn all the events of this week to your and only your benefit.

Tarot for Virgo – 2 of Swords

You feel calm after some revival of the past days. But this is good – you will gather your strength, listen to yourself, refuse excessive communication, and conclude an armed, but still truce with yourself and those around you. Listen to the inner silence and don’t let the world disturb it.

Tarot for Libra – 3 of Wands

And you move, confidently and at a pace that is comfortable for you, the goal is not yet close, but it is discernible, and you have chosen the right path, so move and don’t go astray. The road may be uneven and difficult, but it leads you to the result, this is the main thing you need to know.

Tarot for Scorpio – Queen of Pentacles

These days, be a thrifty and hospitable hostess and share your warmth and well-being. And most importantly – with your mood and aura of thoroughness in everything. You are the mistress of resources and the surrounding space; with you, it is safe, calm, and warm.

Tarot for Sagittarius – Knight of Cups

These days you should show off, and engage in self-presentation. Wear the most elegant dresses, say nice things to people, and give small but thoughtful gifts. And everything will come back to you a hundred times over – flowers and compliments, pleasant offers and recognition of your merits. This, of course, is just a show – but it will brighten your life.

Tarot for Capricorn – 7 of Wands

These days, the competition around you will intensify, as if the world will begin to check whether you are in your place and whether you occupy it by right. Of course, you will endure and fight back, but it will require effort, so while it is not time to relax, stand firm in your position.

Tarot for Aquarius – 4 of Pentacles

You take care of little things, about what surrounds you and what directly belongs to you and depends on you. Order and prosperity in your home, absence of personal debts, availability of supplies of everything you need work in your area done on time and efficiently – and don’t worry about anything else. The big world will take care of itself.

Tarot for Pisces – 8 of Cups

And it’s time for you not only to change everything around you and in yourself but to think and take a closer look: your comfort zone is really convenient for you or just familiar. Is the warmth there warming you or is something already rotting or rotting? Are you standing there firmly or are you stuck? Think about this topic this week.

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