Zodiac Signs

Here’s Why Falling In Love With A Libra Is A Bad Idea

All your friends have warned you, but you will only believe it if it is written in black and white? We are dedicated to listing the good reasons to never fall in love with a person born under the sign of Libra.

We understand Libras have a knack for charming. This sign symbolizes beauty, courtesy, and the ability to anticipate the desires of others. In astrology, Libra is even synonymous with love. It is the heir of Venus, the star of relationships and harmony, but also to Juno, the asteroid named after the goddess of marriage. In short, on paper, your Libra crush is perfect in every way, and what’s more, their clothing style is impeccable. Of course, this is just astrology: each sign has its good and bad sides in love. But if you’re here, it’s probably because your best friend refuses to let you give your Libra ex another chance (and she must have good reasons). Therefore, we are happy to list the reasons why this would be a big mistake.

These signs that show that a Libra is in love

At birth, Libra inherited from Venus the gift of knowing how to flirt and mastering all the codes. A great romantic who hides behind mystery, she knows perfectly how to make her crush’s heart crack. Ignore a Libra to attract her, play “run away from me, I’ll follow you, follow me, I’ll run away from you”, remain silent and then suddenly come back… So many flirting techniques that will arouse Libra’s curiosity to titillate her desire. Because with Libra, nothing is simple. In love, she needs burning passion, an epic story. Also placed under the protection of the asteroid Juno (little Venus), she embodies sacred union, marriage, and the fusion of bodies and minds. To fall in love, she needs to admire the other, to be stung to the quick. As a good Air sign, with her, everything must go through laughter and communication. What she seeks above all is an intellectual connection. Think you’ve ticked all the boxes on their to-do list? Bad luck, Libra has another side that you might not like. Although they have many qualities – they are said to be caring, attentive, protective, and passionate – their flaws are not far behind. Yes, everyone has a side of heads and a side of tails. Libra’s? Constantly needing to be surrounded.

She will make you believe that you are a unique being and that with you “it’s not like the others”. It seems magical and unique: she knows how to use words so that you never really know what’s on her mind. A bit manipulative, she will “omit” certain details for fear of hurting, for fear of losing you. You will suspect her, you will question her, and the more you search, the more she will continue to play the mysterious. The love of the game is her real motivation and her true soul mate. Libra, behind her tidy and tender appearance, is a lioness. She needs to keep the flame alive at the risk of getting bored too quickly. Dare to tell her “I love you” by showing her too much affection and you will scare your Libra away. Full of paradoxes, she needs intense love, but her freedom. She wants to live a long and beautiful romance, but always has several crushes in mind just “in case”. She wants to know everything about you, but will not give herself up easily. As you will have understood, Libra does not know how to make decisions. She wants everything and nothing at the same time. When you have understood her little game, it will be too late. The beauty will have trapped you, but she will not hesitate to abandon you as soon as she has the opportunity.

What is Libra’s worst flaw?

It’s not enough to be well-hung to fall in love with a Libra. We even advise you to avoid going that far, because with them, everything is fleeting. A Libra who doesn’t want to commit is not just a cliché. Queen of aesthetics and beauty, she will spend her life looking for perfection. Yes, she will be capable of dumping you the second you say the word “capri pants” because there is no worse kind of person than that. Yes, she will dare to tell her loved ones that she can’t afford to go out with her most recent crush “because, without a makeover, we don’t form a couple that visually matches”. For her, there is nothing more important than taking care of yourself and your appearance. Endowed with a natural charm and an elegance that would make the rest of the zodiac pale, Libra knows how to be demanding of her partner. When she loves madly, she can bend over backward and make concessions, but there are certain points that act as a “red flag”… One mistake in style and her love for you disappears as quickly as it arrived. A little superficial? We’ll leave this debate pending for another time.

You thought you had seen and read everything about Libra? Are you finally starting to understand why it is better to avoid falling in love with a Libra? Wait until you discover their worst flaw: Libra is an ex that you don’t easily forget. She will always be in your head, in your perimeter, in your life. Yes, Libra is the ex who spies, the one who “throws rope ladders in all directions to try to keep in touch”, as we explained in a previous article. In short, she is the one who will mark you so much that even after receiving an “I don’t really want to see you anymore, but we’ll talk about it soon” you will continue to hope that she will come back.

To avoid having to be hypnotized to forget him or worse to never have to join the “Libra hate club”, we repeat: it is better to flee this sign! Your little heart will thank you for taking care of it and your shrink will reassure you by explaining to you that indeed: having a person who seems emotionally unavailable or precisely so available that they have multiple crushes is not necessarily the ideal person to marry. We stop there for fear that people born between September 21 and October 21 will be offended. What do you want, Libra has a certain pride in love… That’s also why she confided to her astrologer that she didn’t want to “say I love you first because it would make her too vulnerable” when he had predicted a brilliant future for them after this date that she was always talking about. Indecisive, Libra? We warned you, she never knows which way to turn. At best, it will amuse you. At worst, it will wear you out.

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