Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs From October 23 To 29

Aries need to be prepared for changes in their profession, Gemini will have to plunge headlong into their studies, Cancer will have to plunge into the problems of their children, and Pisces better lock themselves in their little world and not let anyone in.


Changes. Look at current events optimistically. Especially if they concern your career. Finally, something new and promising will appear in your life. You, however, will have to overcome the resistance of the environment – it is unlikely that your business partners and the other half will unconditionally accept these changes. Overall, you can only rely on yourself now. The mood will be excellent, which will give you a special attractiveness. Try something new in terms of hobbies, there is a possibility of discovering an unexpected talent in yourself.

Lucky days: 24.10, 27.10


Career. Professional self-realization will come to the fore in your thoughts—you seem to be aware of its importance these days. You can set goals that are important to you – you will choose the most optimal ways to achieve them. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself the center of attention from your colleagues and management. Beware of behind-the-scenes intrigues, envious people are not asleep. If the autumn blues set in, fight it with creativity. Don’t refuse interesting offers, even if you have to work hard on the weekend.

Lucky days: 25.10, 28.10


Education. This is the right time to decide on the educational institution where you are going to receive higher education or study in graduate school. Long trips and renewing connections with friends in other countries or cities will bring a lot of benefits. During this period, you may encounter cases of incredible coincidence or luck. Take these gifts of fate seriously and do not forget to sincerely thank fate for them. Carefully monitor your health, do not develop chronic diseases, and avoid infections and colds.

Lucky days: 23.10, 26.10


Experiences. Those under this zodiac sign need to be prepared for psychological tests: much of what will happen to them and around them will make them experience strong emotions, not always light and bright. Try to communicate with people who like you and who like you. Spend more time and attention on your children, delve into their problems more often, and help them understand difficult situations that arise at school or kindergarten.

Lucky days: 27.10, 29.10


Partnership. If you have any doubts about your business reputation, they will disappear this week. After all, there will be many people who want to cooperate with you. Try to negotiate, trying to discern as much as possible what kind of people are attracted to you and what you can expect from them. Don’t make decisions impulsively, based on emotions, turn on rationalism and think about what you will get as a result of such interaction. The result will not be long in coming.

Lucky days: 26.10, 28.10


Health. You have always been considered a bit of a hypochondriac due to your obsession with illnesses – real or imaginary. This week your focus will once again be on your well-being. And this time you may have real reasons to worry. Schedule doctor visits, get tested, and start a course of therapy. Your performance depends on your physical condition. You will base your decision on a job offer on your treatment plans.

Lucky days: 24.10, 29.10


Creativity. Get ready to soar through the skies on the wings of inspiration. These days it will visit you more than once. Take advantage of this opportune time to advance your creative projects. Meet offers to organize an exhibition of your works on the Internet, do not interfere with the desire of friends to advertise your activities on social networks. True, some representatives of the sign will be forced to descend to a sinful earth by the need to deal with real estate problems. It will either have to be sold or divided.

Lucky days: 23.10, 26.10


Family. Use the positive energy of this week to improve relationships between household members. Most likely, they have been arguing a lot in recent days. It’s time to organize some kind of family holiday to bring relatives together. Perhaps one of your relatives living far from you will come to visit. Your dream of expanding your family may come true, and your chance of getting pregnant will increase. It is worth considering options for improving living conditions.

Lucky days: 25.10, 26.10


Communication. As an extremely sociable and open person, you will find yourself at ease. You certainly won’t be bored. There will be a lot of contacts, meetings, and conversations during this period. You now need information on some issue that is important to you – it will flow to you from many sources. You will begin to lead a more active lifestyle – this includes more frequent trips, walks in the fresh air, and active sports.

Lucky days: 24.10, 27.10


Money. Your earthly nature will manifest itself especially clearly during this period. You will be able to successfully resolve all issues related to money, your financial situation, and your financial prospects. You will have to fight a little with yourself, with your tendency to save. Smart shopping is encouraged these days. It’s probably time to buy things that will make your life more cozy and comfortable. Most likely, these are inexpensive purchases, but there will be a lot of them.

Lucky days: 24.10, 25.10


Doubts. Inconsistency and internal fluctuations will accompany you all week. You are now quickly falling under the influence from outside – people, and information. Therefore, you can change your intentions and opinions every hour, you will become unpredictable not only for others but also for yourself. Pull yourself together if you don’t want to waste your energy. Let only those close to you know what’s going on inside you; for others, wear the mask of a confident person.

Lucky days: 25.10, 28.10


Closedness. You are often used as a vest for other people’s tears – the reason for this is your empathy and ability to listen to your interlocutor. And you can open your soul. But this week the stars are advising you to change your habits. Live a more closed life, don’t let random people into your thoughts and experiences, if you don’t want them to hurt you. You are not obliged to explain anything to anyone, and you also have the right to secrets that you do not want to dedicate to anyone.

Lucky days: 28.10, 29.10

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