Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs From September 25 To October 1

Aries can experiment at work and home, Cancer will have to fight for its interests, the stars advise Libra to be more tolerant of loved ones, and Pisces should take a break and rest.


Innovations. An excellent period for bold undertakings, the embodiment of original ideas, and bright experiments. You are now especially receptive to everything new and what seems unusual to you. However, you should not be guided in your decisions by annoying advertising and advice from friends. You have enough experience to understand how best to act in a given situation. Avoid attending crowded events, now it can be dangerous.

Lucky days: 25.09, 28.09


Fame. Get ready to experience your finest hour, one of the most successful periods of this year is ahead. Your achievements in the professional field will receive well-deserved recognition among specialists like you. As a result, you may be offered participation in a project that promises you even greater fame and strengthens your reputation. Act boldly and consistently: any goals now will be more likely to be achievable than at any other time.

Lucky days: 28.09, 29.09


Education. A favorable period for those who are currently studying. You can significantly improve your relationship with teachers, pass the “tails”, if any, and perform successfully at seminars. Your mind is now sharpened, and new facts are absorbed quickly and without loss. You grasp information on the fly and easily negotiate with anyone. This is also a good time to launch advertising campaigns, both professional and personal.

Lucky days: 26.09, 30.09


Crises. A very intense period is ahead, filled with work, communication, and emotions. Control physical and psychological stress, so you can avoid sudden and unexpected health problems. Many troubles this week can be prevented only by showing independence and justified stubbornness. This is not the time to think about how you will look in a dispute or conflict: nothing can be resolved by other methods now.

Lucky days: 27.09, 1.10


Cooperation. Use for good the positive energy that the stars will give you during this period. Plan important meetings and negotiations for the coming week – you will be able to prove yourself with dignity and resist any pressure, achieve exactly what you need. The signed agreements will take into account the interests of both parties and will last a long time. Your good reputation will play an important role. A successful period awaits you in your personal life too.

Lucky days: 25.09, 30.09


Well-being. Even if nothing is bothering you right now, don’t push health issues—yours and those closest to you—into the background. Find time for a scheduled visit to the doctor, tests, and examinations. Timely detection of diseases is the key to preventing their development into a chronic form. If you have long planned to lead a healthier lifestyle, now is the time to start doing it: the innovations will be easy to stick to.

Lucky days: 30.09, 1.10


Family. You may feel resentful that adult children or other relatives do not visit you often and call you just as rarely. But you shouldn’t draw sharp conclusions. Before making complaints, analyze their lifestyle. Perhaps work and family responsibilities take up a lot of their time. Be happy that they have such a rich life and don’t try to pull the blanket over yourself. It’s unlikely that you have problems that require their help to solve.

Lucky days: 26.09, 29.09


Quarrels. At home, your main enemy this week is yourself, or rather, your uncontrollable emotions, stubbornness, and intolerance. Violent conflicts with household members are likely, and the cause will be some minor household affairs. For example, you might go to a hardware store together and not agree on the color of the wallpaper. In addition, some not-so-good deeds of your relatives may receive wide publicity and negatively affect your reputation.

Lucky days: 27.09, 30.09


Contacts. Much in your life now depends on your social circle, the people you trust, with whom you are ready to share your most intimate things. Through acquaintances, both necessary information and necessary business connections can come. However, do not rush to introduce even very good friends into the circle of your close friends: this a priori implies complete trust and a high degree of openness, which in the case of untrusted people can harm you.

Lucky days: 26.09, 29.09


Money. This week you simply won’t recognize yourself. You are usually very careful with money and avoid unreasonable expenses. But now you will suddenly be drawn to expensive purchases and large expenses. There is a danger of even getting into debt, which over time will seem unbearable. If you take on some task in the hope of making good money, weigh everything carefully: you may overestimate your capabilities, and then all the money will be spent on treatment.

Lucky days: 27.09, 1.10


Overcoming. This is not to say that you like difficulties. But if they involve adventure, why not? A good time has come for those representatives of the sign who are aimed at overcoming either some sudden circumstances or a familiar and already boring way of life. This is a period of accumulation and application of your strength for the things that you consider the most important. The main thing is to set your priorities correctly.

Lucky days: 27.09, 28.09


Respite. You now need a temporary break in business – no matter what you do. Stop, go into the shadows, and do only what cannot be put off. Communicate with people who do not suck all your energy, and avoid energy vampires, even if they are close relatives. The best option is to take the rest of your vacation and retire to a country house or a holiday home. You will be able to restore your physical and mental strength and return to your usual rhythm of life.

Lucky days: 29.09, 1.10

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