Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For September 2023: Exciting Times Are In Store For All Zodiac Signs

Welcome to September! Whether you start this month with a long weekend or not, the September 2023 horoscope brings new entertainment opportunities for the end of summer. This is happening even with Mercury retrograde disrupting our plans for the first half of the month.

As usual, we begin this month in the heart of Virgo season. This earth energy generally pushes us to organize chaos and eliminate unnecessary clutter from our lives. The first week of September is particularly favorable, with the Sun and Mercury in Virgo forming beautiful connections with Jupiter, despite Mercury’s retrograde. This is a great time to make progress toward our personal goals or revisit our big ideas with fresh eyes.

Speaking of retrogrades, September 3 marks the end of Venus retrograde. After six long weeks of retrograde movement in flamboyant Leo, this romantic planet finally allows us to move forward in all areas of beauty and clarify our lives and relationships. It’s time to cut those fall bangs if you’re thinking about it!

The next day, September 4, Jupiter enters retrograde, ushering in four months of reflection on our personal beliefs. Reflect on your relationship with abundance throughout the year and make adjustments as needed to attract more blessings.

On September 14 and 15, the new moon in Virgo invites us to make a clean sweep of summer before the autumn equinox. The Sun and Moon will be in harmony with Uranus, bringing an unexpected touch to this new beginning. Remember to listen to your intuition while remaining grounded in reality.

On September 15, Mercury retrograde will end, facilitating clarity of thought and the implementation of brilliant new plans.

On September 23, the Sun enters Libra, marking the autumnal equinox and encouraging harmony and action. With the Sun and Mars united in Libra, it’s the perfect time to take the initiative to balance your relationships and your life in general.

At the end of the month, Venus and Mercury will make surprising aspects to Uranus, leading to sudden changes of mind and new ideas. On September 29, the full moon in Aries will push us to embrace our independence and express our truth in our relationships. Libra season will encourage us to compromise, but this luncheon will remind us not to neglect our own needs and desires.

Discover your complete horoscope for September 2023 according to your solar and/or ascendant sign below:


Whether you’re back at school or not, the start of the September school year promises to be full of energy for you, Aries, as revealed by your September 2023 horoscope. You will be focused on improving your routine, managing your late work, and reorganizing your schedule.

Virgo season is here, which means it’s time to pull out all the stops! Even though Mercury retrogrades in your wellness-related sixth house, you’ll be clarifying your priorities, even if there may be a few logistical hurdles to overcome along the way.

Romance will come back to life, as Venus retrograde finally ends on September 3, bringing more clarity and stability to your love and intimate life. Mars, your ruling planet, will also visit your partnership sector throughout September, giving you the initiative in your relationships and the confidence to express your needs. It’s time to spice up your relationships.

In the middle of the month, you will feel a strong organizational boost, thanks to the new moon in Virgo on September 14, which will inject new energy into your daily life. Take advantage of this time to integrate healthy habits into your routine and experiment with new approaches to be more productive. You will be inspired to think outside the box and let your creativity flow. Fortunately, Mercury retrograde ends the next day, making it easier to implement your new ideas.


Your Taurus horoscope for September 2023 begins auspiciously, with the end of Venus retrograde on September 3. After six weeks of messy domestic affairs, you can finally return to being the Taurus who adores art and decoration without fear of regretting your decisions. However, on September 4, Jupiter begins its retrograde in your sign, prompting you to explore your personal beliefs in depth over the next four months.

As the first week of September draws to a close, the Sun and Mercury will establish favorable trines with the planet Jupiter, which resides in the sign of Taurus.

This makes romance, passion, adventure, and trust shine, providing fertile ground for magical moments! Take full advantage of it.


Events kick off with an exciting full moon in the sign of Aquarius, inspiring you, dear Gemini, to embrace your rebellious side and let go of the beliefs that limit you. This lunation reminds you that you are the master of your destiny, and it encourages you to give more space to your dreams. However, Mercury, your ruling planet, clashes with Saturn at the same time, which will force you to balance your responsibilities and aspirations. Instead of letting the pressure overwhelm you, use this week to develop a solid plan.

Speaking of plans, August 9 could bring you a dose of spiritual inspiration when Mercury, your ruler, aligns with the great planet Jupiter. Stay open to intuitions and information that may come to you, whether through dreams or other channels. A week later, the new moon in Leo offers the opportunity to revisit important conversations or reflect on what matters to you.

Events will pick up speed once the autumnal equinox hits on September 23, so get ready!

The Sun will join energetic Mars in the air sign Libra, boosting your passion-laden fifth house. It’s been a fun summer, but you’ll have even more fun during this early fall period.


Nothing can stop you from fully enjoying these last magical moments of summer, because your Cancer horoscope for September 2023 has a busy social calendar and lots of fun in store for you. And around every corner, an exciting conversation can await you, dear Cancer!

However, there’s a small catch: Mercury goes retrograde during the first half of the month, making misunderstandings and awkward comments more likely. Be careful about what you say, and don’t forget to proofread your texts and emails before sending them.

Indeed, Mercury retrograde crosses your third house, that of communication and close friends. This setup can sometimes lead to awkwardness and judgment within your friend group. It’s time to think about what interactions and social dynamics are worth changing.

What adjustments are necessary in your interactions and social relationships?

But nothing can stop you from soaking up those last magical glows of summer, because your September 2023 horoscope will bring you plenty of social time and fun.


While Virgo season highlights your value-related second house, this month focuses on sensory pleasure and enriching material experiences. Although you may need to keep an eye on your finances due to Mercury’s retrograde, your Leo horoscope for September 2023 looks promising and full of delights, marking an ideal end to summer.

Your birthday season may be over, but good news is coming, dear Lions! Venus has spent six long weeks in retrograde in your sign, but this phase will finally end on September 3. It’s been a meaningful journey, and now you’re ready to reap the benefits.


The sun shines in your sign during the first weeks of September, bringing a keener sense of confidence and warmth to all your endeavors. The stakes are high, but don’t worry, even the drama won’t be able to dampen the mood of your horoscope.

Next, your ruling planet, Mercury, will be retrograde in your sign until September 15, which could lead to confusion and delays.

You might even feel some questioning of your identity as your birthday approaches (i.e. the sun returns to your sign).


The month begins with good news, your ruling planet, Venus, completes its retrograde in your friendly domain on September 3. This will instill a sense of reconciliation in your social life. You’ll gain confidence about your position within your circle of friends and your social life, but the story doesn’t end there.

Mars, an energizing planet, resides in your sign throughout the month, rekindling the flame of your personal goals and instilling you with the motivation to take action in many areas.

However, your horoscope for September 2023 in Libra also advises you to exercise moderation in using this energy, as a hectic birthday season is on the horizon in a few weeks, and you should be well-rested and ready for that!


This month, Virgo season and Mercury retrograde activate your friendship sector throughout the first half of the month, which brings a lot of vitality and energy to your relationships, but can also make collaboration a little more difficult.

Gossip and misunderstandings can be rife among your team or colleagues, so focus on the facts and try to keep your head above water while navigating group dynamics.

Perhaps you’ll notice that some exciting career opportunities provide a welcome distraction from the drama. Indeed, Venus completes its retrograde in your ambitious tenth house on September 3. This global change should help you regain confidence in your authority and feel aligned with your professional goals as well as the values ​​you have nurtured over the past six weeks.


Virgo season puts the focus on your professional life this month, and your Sagittarius horoscope for September 2023 floods you with inspiration and energy to reach the heights of your brightest aspirations.

However, with Mercury in retrograde until September 15, you might find that your professional endeavors require a little more attention and time than usual. Stay patient: Mercury retrograde tends to complicate things, but you still have the power to move forward.


September 2023 brings the Sun into the earth sign of Virgo, which will inspire you to venture out of its comfort zone, even as summer draws to a close. Your horoscope encourages the expansion of your horizons.

At the start of the month, Mercury retrograde is in your ninth house, linked to growth and knowledge, which can make your overall goals less clear and make it harder to find your true purpose.

Even though some aspects of your material life may seem chaotic, that doesn’t mean you won’t have opportunities to flourish. This retrograde could take you to some beautiful and unexpected destinations.


Aquarians, known for their free spirits, approach the upcoming change of season with enthusiasm, ready for an exciting adventure. However, your Aquarius horoscope for September 2023 also encourages you to explore the depths of your being, to delve into the dark corners of your psyche.

At the start of the month, Virgo season and Mercury retrograde affect your eighth house, which can prompt you to think deeply and bring up past resentments or unresolved debts.

It’s time to untangle the emotional knots that have formed in your heart over time, especially when it comes to exploring your dark side. When Venus, the planet of love, completes its retrograde on September 3, it will bring renewed momentum and clarity to your partnership-related seventh house.

The month will end on a more social note, as an exciting full moon in Aries hits your communication sector and leads to stimulating conversations and meaningful connections. Get out and have fun with friends to celebrate the first full moon of fall.


Pisces horoscopes for September 2023 promise a captivating vibe from start to finish. They are rich in love, drama, and deep emotions. Luckily, for a cosmic Pisces like you, exploring these emotions in depth isn’t a problem, so get ready to dive in.

Ready to make deeper, unusual connections? Virgo season highlights your seventh house of partnerships until September 15, emphasizing relationship dynamics and interpersonal commitments.

However, with Mercury retrograde in your relationship sector until September 15, you will need to be particularly attentive to managing disagreements with your partners, as old arguments could resurface. Be careful with your words and avoid taking things too personally. Instead, use this time to revisit past problems and find solutions to lingering situations.

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