Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For The Week Of December 18-24.

Astrological tips that will give you some interesting ideas on how to spend your week.


Love. This week your personal life will be in the spotlight. If in the last few months, the position of the planets has blocked your creative and romantic spheres, forcing you to pay more attention to boring routine affairs, then now the love front will begin to bloom. There will be a desire to express yourself in bold outfits, express your feelings more clearly in communication with loved ones, and go out into the world more often. This is a great time to let go of high expectations from relationships and try new ways of dating.

Lucky days: Wednesday, and Friday.


Confidence. A period awaits you that is ideal for awakening your inner Diva. At work, you will find yourself in a position of authority and will be able to demonstrate your natural leadership qualities. People will be willing to listen to your advice: their gratitude will increase their confidence in themselves and their business. In the middle of the week, you will notice that your actions will become especially convincing and will help you fulfill desires that recently seemed impossible. This week, don’t be shy about using your charm to achieve your goals.

Lucky days: Monday, and Tuesday.


Creativity. Perhaps lately life has frightened you with its monotony. But this week you will feel positive dynamics: events will occur that will involve you in a chain of interesting adventures. Also, if you have been thinking about creative ideas for a long time, these days they will receive further development: thoughts will appear on how to move from theory to specific actions and bring the idea to life. Most likely, you won’t be able to get by without the help of new acquaintances.

Lucky days: Saturday, and Sunday.


Relations. This week could be an exciting and adventurous time for you. Moreover, the events will be pleasant, so even proposals that seem unpromising at first glance should not be immediately written off. The position of the planets will remove a huge burden from you: it will eliminate all unprofitable options. So all the situations that caused you stress will be miraculously resolved. If you are in a relationship and are worried about their future fate, towards the end of the week there will be a chance to take the initiative and strengthen your union.

Lucky days: Tuesday, and Thursday.


Rest. The stars want you to relax and reduce your control over everything that surrounds you. There will not be a better time this year to succumb to such persuasions of fate. Therefore, this week it is important to spend more time taking care of yourself and restoring your strength, without feeling guilty for allegedly being idle. Mercury’s position about your sign means that at the end of the week, your mind will be filled with new ideas and inspiration. So, when work plans fail, don’t be sad, but enjoy the suddenly freed time. This is a New Year’s gift from the Universe.

Lucky days: Wednesday, and Saturday.


Opportunities. If a week had a taste, yours would be bittersweet. This is because the position of Venus will help you comprehend the past month and learn all the lessons: there will be both pleasant bonuses and not-so-pleasant ones. But as soon as you can accept something and let go of something, new opportunities will open up. The energy of Saturn will help you move on: it will direct you to the place where you will flourish, and at the same time give you the revelation that you can motivate yourself not only with rigor but also with praise. In general, a few days before 2024, you will feel that it is time to move forward without judging yourself for past mistakes.

Lucky days: Monday, and Sunday.


Inspiration. The energy of the week is so abundant that it will give many great emotions. Your sign will be no exception: this week will be your finest hour. You will be able to get your share of joy if you switch your attention in time from what you want to what you already have. An example of such a benefit would be investing energy in an existing business or relationship, rather than trying to start something from scratch. Everything you need is right there. Mercury will inspire you to connect with people and use your skills for the benefit of society.

Lucky days: Tuesday, and Saturday.


Money. The position of the planets will bring enrichment to your financial sector in the form of good news at work or the final repayment of debts. This transit is also suitable for creating new opportunities, so if you want to change jobs, now is the time to touch up your resume or think about your cover letter. Mercury retrograde will force you to ask real questions about what is important to you and what you value above all else.

The conclusion of contracts and large purchases should ideally be postponed until at least January 3, when Mercury returns to direct motion. Until this time, it is better to concentrate on projects already started. It won’t be difficult to do this, because such things will remind you of themselves.

Lucky days: Friday, and Saturday.


Acquaintance. This week you will accidentally meet people who will support your plans and contribute to the development of your idea. Such unexpected help will give you confidence in your knowledge and motivate you to learn. However, it is important to maintain a professional demeanor avoid getting close to those who have shown solidarity, and not encourage gossip. These days, not only the ability to establish communication will benefit, but also the courage to set clear personal boundaries in interactions with individuals whose actions cause doubts. Strength of character will drive away pseudo-well-wishers from you and will more strongly emphasize the importance of sincere interlocutors.

Lucky days: Tuesday, and Wednesday.


Friendship. The next seven days will give you an armful of interesting events, but for this, you will have to show initiative and activity. If some time ago you voluntarily isolated yourself from society, for example, to cope with stress, then now the stars are urging you to return to society and enjoy life. During your voluntary seclusion, much of the life of your loved ones could pass you by. Therefore, the first thing to start with is to show sensitivity and openness in your relationships with friends. Such attentiveness to your interlocutors will reveal old comrades in a new way. Honest conversations will benefit everyone: they will pull you out of painful thoughts, and your interlocutor will be convinced of your concern.

Lucky days: Thursday, and Friday.


Objectivity. The position of Saturn about your sign says that it’s time to take off your “rose-colored glasses” when communicating with someone close to you and stop justifying actions that are not entirely honest. Also, the stars this week encourage you to accept your uniqueness and stop adapting to others. Respect for your interests will help you resist the toxic behavior of someone in your family.

Lucky days: Wednesday, and Saturday.


Hardness. This week will be a reboot for you in terms of thinking: some events will help you look at familiar things from a different angle. A non-trivial approach to business will open up several paths for development for you. Each of them will be attractive, but you have to choose the one that best suits your interests and aspirations. Having made a decision, stand your ground, even if at some point it seems that you were wrong: such devotion will improve your life in the long run.

Lucky days: Monday, and Wednesday.

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