Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For The Week Of January 1st To January 7th, 2024

They told you what actions will help you have a great time over the next 7 days.

New Year’s week is a great chance to step away from the hustle and bustle of work tasks. This is time that can and should be spent focusing on yourself and your family. At the same time, in the period from January 1 to January 7, representatives of the sign will face certain challenges that will bring new opportunities and ideas. The clairvoyant Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova spoke in more detail about your prospects.


Hardness _ You will have to gain endurance and ingenuity to leave in the past what has been haunting you for a long time. The position of the planets relative to your sign is favorable, so most likely by the middle of the week you will find the right solution to exciting situations. Don’t give in to persuasion, do what you think is necessary, and then everything will go perfectly.

Lucky days: Thursday, and Sunday.


Concentration. Your week of rest can be overshadowed by people who will be critical of your plans and begin to put a spoke in your wheels. It may be someone close to you. In order not to completely ruin your mood, try to abstract yourself. Let the dissatisfied person act according to his plan, and you focus on your interests. At least, this is what the stars call for: do not be distracted by other people’s ideas. By following your heart, you will come to an activity that will charge you with energy and vigor.

Lucky days: Tuesday, and Wednesday.


Refusal. For the next seven days, you’ll have to fight off the guilt of putting your needs first. It won’t be easy, because for a long time you thought for yourself “for that guy.” It is possible that the people you helped even began to abuse your kind attitude. You will be able to choose your favor if you learn this week to say “no” to everyone except yourself.

Lucky days: Wednesday, and Saturday.


Objectivity. It may seem like someone you know has all the answers. Moreover, this person will strive to convince you that he is right. To avoid falling into the trap, you will have to activate your critical thinking. The position of the planets encourages you to carefully consider everything you hear and maintain objectivity even in the most emotional moments. Also this week it is not advisable to hush up your opinion. If you can stand up for what you believe in, you will be inspired to make interesting changes.

Lucky days: Monday, and Thursday.


Calmness. During New Year’s week, ambitious thoughts will not let you go. Literally on the first day of 2024, you will begin to think through a concept for implementing new ideas. However, it will not be possible to promote and implement them immediately. The lack of immediate results will make you doubt yourself. To avoid starting the year with hassle, put off your idea until the end of the week. Let her “settle” and let yourself rest and calm down.

Lucky days: Thursday, and Saturday.


Persuasiveness. Friends may seem more sensitive to you than usual, reacting painfully to every word. So tread carefully during heart-to-heart conversations. If sympathy arose before the New Year, then progress will now begin: you will likely be invited on a date. Also this week there will be a renewed desire to solve a long-standing problem. You will be so convincing in your words that the people involved in your idea will also be excited about it.

Lucky days: Tuesday, and Friday.


Arguments. At the beginning of the week, you will be upset by the lack of communication between you and your loved ones. By the middle, this aspect will reach its peak. As a result, you will break your silence if you have not previously decided to have a frank dialogue. These days, someone close to you will constantly let you down and reproach you for their mistakes, do not delve into their words, and do not conflict. Better focus on counterarguments in your defense.

Lucky days: Friday, and Saturday.


Frankness. An uncomfortable conversation awaits you with an old acquaintance or relative. A negative background will appear because one of the participants in the dialogue will be less interested in it than the other. In order not to reduce communication to zero due to misunderstandings, you need to immediately identify the goals: it will be easier for the interlocutor to understand the importance if you do not beat around the bush. This is the only way to benefit.

Lucky days: Tuesday, and Wednesday.


Sociability. You will be overwhelmed with the desire to communicate. But your friendliness and cordiality come across radically different moods in the environment. Such a discrepancy can throw you off balance. It will become easier if you remember that people are not obliged to adapt to someone else’s moods. This awareness will help you cope more easily with differences of opinion. At the end of the week, you may feel restless and want to get things moving. Go for it, but stay calm and follow logic.

Lucky days: Wednesday, and Thursday.


Observation. The stars do not advise making important decisions related to purchases or work prospects this week. It will be difficult to separate feelings from facts, so the risk of going in the wrong direction is high. It is advisable to postpone this process and return to it after January 7th. Now is not the time to rock the boat; it is better to carefully observe everything that is happening.

Lucky days: Friday, and Saturday.


Recovery. All the decisions you make in the coming days will come down to one thing – you want to expand your capabilities: in relationships, family, and work. But it’s not worth taking drastic actions just yet: you need to restore your internal balance and reduce the load, which takes a lot of energy. Without such changes, there will not be enough strength for new achievements.

Lucky days: Monday, and Saturday.


Patience. A close friend will not listen to your advice. This fact hurts you because you gave your advice based on personal experience and the best intentions. Such a reaction will offend, but you should not reproach your comrade for disobedience. It will not change anything. Thus, the next seven days will be a test of your tolerance for the decisions of people you care about.

Lucky days: Wednesday, and Sunday.

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