Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: October Is Likely To Be A Complicated Month For These Two Astrological Signs

Changing months and seasons can be more challenging than ever. Between stress and tension, these two astrological signs will feel the cosmic pressure. For them, the month of October will not be easy.

Goodbye summer, goodbye back to school. October is here with its share of surprises. While it’s time to swap shirts for beautiful cashmere, it’s not just the weather that’s changing. The cosmic weather is also in motion. While Libra season allows us to slow down to better refocus, Jupiter (luck, happiness) goes retrograde. In the coming weeks, many questions will arise about how we see the future. What direction do we want to take? Are the projects we’re carrying out still in line with our values? Faced with all this commotion, some astrological signs could feel under pressure. Decryption.

Horoscope: This astrological sign might feel a little lost

And confusion is a word he doesn’t know. The usually go-getter and self-assured Aries is struggling at the moment. Between questioning and introspection imposed by heaven, he is not in his element. The Sun in Libra (his opposite) forces him to integrate a notion of collective. Not easy for the first sign of the zodiac that is often said to be selfish. Compromises must be found, but it is difficult for Aries to remain calm when nothing is going his way. In October, he will have to be careful not to get carried away. Especially since Mercury (communication) in Scorpio (a spicy sign) and Mars (action) in Cancer (hypersensitivity) are getting on his nerves. Things get stuck in exchanges, he gets offended more quickly than usual.

At the same time, Jupiter’s retrograde awakens heavy questions in Aries. The Fire sign needs to be reassured about the position it has. At work as in its personal life, it is looking for its place. A little support would not hurt it. It is still necessary for it to be able to hear what its loved ones have to say to it. Aries therefore has every interest in showing creativity, in daring to take a step aside or a step back to breathe and have a new look at the situation. It is essential to take stock and sort things out. A little rest is welcome if it wants to avoid breaking down.

Horoscope: A major change awaits this astrological sign, it’s stressful

And for the most “quiet” sign of the zodiac, it can be confusing. Pisces, used to being comfortable in their little patch, feel like they are growing wings at the moment. The planets are inviting them to open up to new things and to boldly explore new paths. If, in theory, this seems positive – it will allow them to broaden their perspectives while taking other paths – the accelerating pace can be difficult to control. Taking initiative requires asserting yourself if not imposing your desires. Bad luck: Pisces is not the most confident sign of the zodiac. They need to be surrounded and reassured before they can get started. However, in October, Mars in Cancer (a friendly sign) pushes them into their entrenchments. It is up to them to make the decisions.

Pisces may feel a certain pressure in the face of this. It will therefore be necessary to avoid rushing. The planets advise him to give time to time and to be patient. It is wiser to refine his strategy and especially to grant himself the right to have several options. This involves an organization that must be well-crafted and by the need to be more indulgent towards others, but also himself. It is “OK” not to always make the right choices, to doubt, or to take a step back to correct the situation. Venus in Scorpio, understanding passionate love, invites him to reflect on the choices he may have made by listening to his heart and leaving reason aside. It is time for him to turn the page, to make peace with his desires and feelings. His relationship with others evolves. A repositioning begins.

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