Zodiac Signs

Horoscope Predicts Aries Season Starts With Beauty And Soaring Confidence This Week.

Your horoscope for the week from March 17th to 23rd promises an adventure full of twists and turns. Although difficult changes are expected, this wave of new energy could be just what you need.

The week begins with a last-quarter moon in Gemini, bringing an extra dose of confusion and anxiety. This position in conflict with several planets in Pisces can amplify our sensitivity and perplexity. Additionally, the Sun’s conjunction with Neptune in the early morning of March 17th can give the impression of being disconnected from reality, plunging into a world of dreams. Getting up on Sunday morning can seem like an insurmountable task, especially if dreams seem more appealing than reality.

The energy will gain momentum on March 20th and 21st with the passage of the Sun from Pisces to Aries. This seasonal change also marks the start of the “astrological new year,” with Aries being the first sign of the zodiac.

This sign is known for its activity, competitiveness, independence, and courage. Enjoy this boost of confidence and vigor. When the Sun in Aries immediately forms a sextile with Pluto on March 21st, you might be inspired to fight for what matters to you. Now is the perfect time to remember that success is often the best revenge.

Unfortunately, March 21st also marks a difficult aspect: the conjunction of Venus with Saturn in Pisces.

This alliance between Venus, the planet of love and friendship, and Saturn, the planet of limitations, can lead to a feeling of loneliness, lack of inspiration, and a certain detachment from what you are passionate about. However, sometimes it is necessary to step back and adopt a rational perspective, as our emotions can often cloud our judgment. This may be the beginning of a practical and pragmatic commitment to your love and relationship life.

On March 22nd, creative and imaginative energy will reach its peak with the entry of Mars, the planet of action and primitive instincts, into Pisces, a dreamy, empathetic, and unpredictable sign. Mars, which embodies struggle, and Pisces, conducive to letting go of the ego, form an interesting duo. During this Mars in Pisces transit, you will learn to let passion guide your impulses without compromising your true identity. Work for your higher self, not your selfish self. Do you follow?

Here’s what you can expect for your horoscope for the coming week, based on your Sun sign and/or rising sign:

Aries weekly horoscope

This week you will hit the reset button.

The week begins with the sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces and your house of intuition. Your 6th sense will tingle this week. There’s no way around it. You also collect energy from others. Their mood is contagious, so make an effort to be surrounded by positive people.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. You are full of ideas that can put you on the right path this week. You might hear information that reminds you of something. Focus your attention on all the new ideas that come up. There might be some gems in what you hear or read.


This week things will become clear.

The week begins with the sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces and your house of community involvement. This is a good week to add your light to an organization dedicated to a cause you believe in. You could work with a charity, church, or association. It’s a good time to focus on bringing something wonderful into the world.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. This is a good week to work behind the scenes on something very important to you. You may want to close your door so you can work without distractions. You can make real progress this week.

Gemini weekly horoscope

This week your star will rise.

The week begins with the sun bringing together Neptune in Pisces and your house of career. Your star shines brightly now. You are visible to others, which means you are more likely to be chosen for a job or promotion. Now is a good time to promote your business or launch a new product or service.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. One of your friends might give you information that will help you find your way. This information can be a challenge to get you to do something you want to do, or it can remove a blockage you’re struggling with.


This week the messages will be loud and clear.

The week begins with the sun joining Neptune in Pisces and your house of knowledge and spiritual understanding. The boundaries between you and universal knowledge blur this week and you can access information to answer your questions and provide you with the wisdom you seek. Now is a good time to talk to your angels and guides.

Next, Mercury makes a conjunction with the North Node in Aries. You could make a great career connection today. This is a good week to contact a company you want to work for. Post your resume or talk with your supervisor about how you can advance at your current company. You might also find information that will help your business.

Leo weekly horoscope

This week, the way will be clear.

The week begins with the sun bringing together Neptune in Pisces and your house of resources from others. Now the boundaries between you and others disappear. You will be able to sense when someone is ready to give you what you want. Now is a good time to apply for a loan, start a partnership, or borrow your neighbor’s lawn mower.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. You might feel compelled to learn something. This might mean taking a course, enrolling in an informational course, or going back to school. If you’re already in school, doubling your efforts can bring phenomenal results. You could reach the top of your class.


This week you will overcome obstacles.

The week begins with the sun bringing together Neptune in Pisces and your house of relationships. You and your loved one may be planning your wedding or considering renewing your vows. If you are looking for love, now is the right time to send your wishes to the Universe. Do visualizations to evoke a relationship with you.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. In your quest for financial security, your thoughts sometimes get in the way. You now have the option to delete them. Look at how your thought processes interrupt your ability to make money. Question assumptions now and you can free yourself from the limiting beliefs that prevent you from seeing financial opportunities.


This week you will be in contact with higher forces.

The week begins with the sun bringing together Neptune in Pisces and your house of well-being. You might be very attracted to meditation now. You might reestablish a daily spiritual habit that will help you feel calmer, more grounded, and in touch with your higher self. You can now harness increased psychic abilities and true magic.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. You can now meet people who could be very useful to you. This is a good time to reach out to individuals for partnership, collaboration, or mentoring. If you’re looking for love, you might find someone looking for you, and that could make for a great match.


This week you will expand your world.

The week begins with the sun bringing together Neptune in Pisces and your house of creativity and risk-taking. It’s time to take risks, especially with your art, writing, music, or design. Don’t hide your light under a bushel now. Show others what you’ve been working on, even if you fear criticism. Any criticism you receive now will only help you improve.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. A colleague or loved one might have a job opportunity for you. This could be at the company they work for, or maybe they want to start a side business with you. It’s a good idea to come up with ideas for making money now.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

This week, home and family will take center stage.

The week begins with the sun bringing Neptune in Pisces and your home and family together. You might feel closer to certain family members than you have in a long time. One of your children may have a child or you may visit your parents and reminisce. Perhaps you’re selling the family home and gathering your belongings to start something new.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. You might feel pressured to take a risk. And while this may include financial speculation, it’s also possible that you’re speculating about love. The risk could be asking someone out or saying yes to an invitation. And while you could still roll the dice on an investment, matters of the heart now come to the fore.


This week things will improve at home.

The week begins with the sun bringing together Neptune in Pisces and your house of thought processes. Your thoughts create your life and what you see as possible opens up new opportunities. If you don’t see any possibilities, then it’s difficult to move forward. This is a good time to open your mind to the different directions available to you. You have more options than you think.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. You might make contact with a long-lost relative. Or, a genealogy website may indicate that you have a famous distant cousin or roots in a country you’ve always been interested in. This is also a time when you might relive family memories or take care of heirlooms.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

This week, you will embark on the path to financial freedom.

The week begins with the sun bringing together Neptune in Pisces and your house of money. Today you may want to do a meditation on money. This might include singing or humming as you visualize money opportunities coming your way. Or you can create a money tree by attaching dollar bills to the branches.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. You can contact the right person at the right time now. This means that if you contact someone for a job or partnership, you might catch them just as they are looking for someone like you. Now is a good time to call or message someone you want to work with.


This week you will enter a period of power.

The week begins with the sun in Pisces joining Neptune in your house of self-expression. You are more visible right now, which means people are attracted to you. If you’re in a romantic relationship, you might be more in sync now than you were a long time ago. If you’re looking for love, it’s a good day to reach out to someone you’re interested in.

Next, Mercury joins the North Node in Aries. A financial opportunity could present itself today. The person you need to speak to is available. A knowledgeable person could take you by the hand and guide you step by step through the process. Your finances could get a boost.

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