Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: The Arrival Of 2024 Marks A Turning Point For These Astrological Signs

December 31 is approaching and certain signs will take a big turn at the end of 2023. Here are the signs, according to Jean-Yves Espié’s horoscope.

For some, it is a day of celebration. Others are relieved to put a difficult year behind them. There are even some for whom the New Year is simply a change of numbers and a calendar to redeem. But in astrology, the arrival of the year 2024 promises its share of changes for the astrological signs. A glance at the celestial vault and astrologer Jean-Yves Espié reveals to us those who will be lucky, those who will have to work a little harder… But what about the rest of the zodiac? While some signs are called to follow their hearts this New Year, others must prepare for change.


While the new year can trigger mechanisms all at once, forming triggers for some, others need more time to begin a process of change. This is the case for Taurus who have been starting a slow transition for several years, with Uranus (star of change) in their sector. But as Jean-Yves Espié explains, “With the presence of Jupiter, your morale continues an increasing curve”. It’s the planet of luck that has accelerated everything over the past year. Yes, when we talk about acceleration, with this Earth sign that is Taurus, everything is relative.

The icing on the cake? Mars (action) in Capricorn for the end of the year which gives a boost to the slowest of astrological signs. As a result, “the relationships you have established and the projects you have undertaken should come to fruition from the beginning of 2024,” announces the astrologer. The projects that have been in the works all year should take shape, the important meetings planned for a long time are about to be made: things are finally moving, on the Taurus side. Especially since they can count on their close circle to support them and have a great end to 2023.


For Sagittarius, the shift begins much more spontaneously and quickly. “The double influence of Mercury and Mars in your sector promises an active end to the year,” confirms Jean-Yves Espié before detailing: “If the planet of communication facilitates words, exchanges, and meetings, at the same time, the red planet invites you to action. » Because Jupiter, the favorite star of cosmic centaurs, is about to end its retrograde. Everything returns to normal for Sagittarius. Especially since the lucky star is preparing to rub shoulders more closely with Uranus, the planet of change, in the coming months, in the constellation Taurus. In astrology, this is the start of something new that could have a lasting impact in the long term. “Under these conditions,” explains the astrologer, “the holidays promise a renewal of your centers of interest, provided you reach out to others. » And for that, we don’t worry: Sagittarius (and Sagittarius ascendant) have the gift of attracting people who do them good and with whom to share their little joys as well as their great sorrows. That’s what it’s like to be born under the influence of the planet of luck.

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