Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: The End Of September Could Be Tough For These Two Astrological Signs

Every Thursday, astrologer Jean-Yves Espié gives us his horoscope. Which signs are charming and which are struggling? Here are the least fortunate this week from September 26 to October 3, 2024. I promise, nothing serious!

Good news: this week, the stars have decided to be rather lenient with all the signs of the zodiac. Even those who find themselves at the bottom of the ranking are not so badly off. All the more reason to take the horoscope philosophically. Especially since it is autumn, the season of chiaroscuro, of accepting nuances, and of “there is no good or bad situation”. Yes, the month of September is ending on a high note for some astrological signs, but no, we do not intend to talk about them in this article. The least fortunate zodiac duo will still have a consolation prize: some advice from astrologer Jean-Yves Espié to get motivated again.

Horoscope: Late September makes this astrological sign a little tense

“Only Venus is in opposition in a harmonious whole.” This is unfortunately enough, this week, to classify Taurus among the least fortunate of the zodiac. Venus is not only the planet of relationships and harmony: but it is also the designated star of Taurus. So when it gravitates in Scorpio, its opposite and complementary sign, it is never easy for the cosmic bovine. Taurus likes to accumulate objects and small pleasures, but Venus in Scorpio demands a drastic stripping down, an emotional and material purge. We focus on the essentials, we reopen the “mental health” file that no “Netflix and chill” evening can resolve. With Pluto (star of Scorpio and transformation) in Capricorn, it is all the more the opportunity to get your head out of the sand to reinvent yourself. Fortunately “you will not have difficulty organizing yourself” and “Mars brings you beautiful energy”. And it will take some to probe your relationships and act accordingly. The astrologer’s final piece of advice: “If you don’t give a hand to those who are never happy, you will continue on your path with, in the end, constructive results.” The discomfort is temporary, but also fruitful.

Horoscope: This astrological sign needs to relax this week

Like Taurus, this member of the zodiac is not in top form. The cause? Venus in Scorpio again. If the latter is the polar opposite of Taurus, it also forms a conflicting angle with Leo. In Scorpio, the planet of our relationships with others demands that the less attractive aspects be brought to the surface. Toxic dynamics, unbalanced relationships, unspoken things, and conflicts that have never been resolved come to the surface. Leo can no longer ignore certain details that displease him with his friends or in his relationship. It is an invitation to change what can be changed and to come to terms with what cannot be changed. Without making a mountain out of a molehill, as Jean-Yves Espié points out: “Venus in a contrary sector annoys you, but don’t focus on details.” There is no question of becoming pessimistic, the sign benefits from solid allies in the sky. The Sun and Jupiter, respectively symbols of energy and luck, support Leo. As Air signs, they breathe the cosmic feline the oxygen needed to step back and take breaks. And momentum! His legendary joie de vivre will still be his greatest asset to get through this week. “The most important thing is your balance and your well-being. It will be essential to relax to find that natural warmth that makes you so likable.” Breathe, Leos.

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