Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: This Astrological Sign Could Feel Lost When April Arrives

Who says change of month, often says change of energy. It’s not easy to adapt to the commotion caused by the planets. At least that’s what one astrological sign thinks…

A new month begins. The opportunity to take stock of the situation. What has happened in recent weeks? What are the upcoming projects? The week of March 28th to April 3rd, 2024, presents itself as a key moment of the year. More than ever, there will be movement and questioning. While we are in the middle of Aries season, Mercury retrograde and the eclipses push us to rethink our priorities. If it’s energizing for certain astrological signs who are about to have an excellent week, for others the atmosphere is a little more stressful. According to the horoscope of astrologer Jean-Yves Espié, one of the twelve horsemen of the zodiac risks being particularly under tension. Nothing serious, just a little scare that we will have to learn to control.


The month of April formalizes the return of spring. A colorful season that above all allows us to gain new momentum. Lines are moving, projects are moving forward, and the pace is relaunching. The eclipse season pushes us to think about new ways to assert ourselves. What do we want? How can we succeed in putting ourselves forward? What value do we place on ourselves and our talents? So many questions that can sometimes sow doubt in our minds. At the same time, this weekend, Mars (action) is in tension with the Moon (sensitivity). It’s difficult to juggle between an emotionality that wants to be more intense and the desire to move forward. Blockages could be felt. We risk being a little on edge. Nothing is getting better since on April 2nd, Mercury goes retrograde. By turning around in the sky, the planet of communication sows confusion in our relationships and doubt in our minds. More than ever, a transformation is taking place. We change, we want to do things differently. We are looking for other solutions to move forward more peacefully. The challenges are numerous and not always easy to overcome. Fortunately, this is not always negative.


Since the beginning of spring, Pisces has been swimming in troubled waters. The Sun left it to join the sign of Aries. He has lost some of his energy and no longer knows how to run his boat. The Full Moon in Libra on March 25th and the eclipse season pushed him to his limits. More than ever, he needs to feel valued. Whether financially or in his state of mind, he seeks reassurance in the face of his insecurities. He who doubts a lot risks putting up barriers and being slightly on edge. For the astrologer, there is no doubt: taking a step back will be essential “to focus on your overall vision and define the right balance between what you would like and what it will be possible for you to achieve”. Until things are clearly defined and the road map is drawn up, there will be nowhere to go.

How to get started on new projects? Which direction to take? What does he want? Venus (love) which forms a beautiful alliance with Neptune (the dream) invites him to think in this direction. The two planets are almost perfectly aligned overhead, a sign that this is the perfect time to think from the heart and follow your intuition. In this cosmic Micmac, “the presence of the red planet (Mars) brings you extra energy,” promises the astrologer. This is a good idea, especially since it could mean “a helping hand to move your projects forward more quickly”. Our advice to Pisces is therefore the following: despite fear and doubts, you must act and dare to take the plunge. It’s now that everything is at stake.

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