Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: Why Mid-April Is Ideal For Matters Of The Heart?

Between awareness and the need to treat yourself, the next few days could be more intense than expected.

“Time passes and I still doubt, but I pretend every day. » Like Michel in his latest EP “Jeudi Minuit”, the different astrological signs seem plunged into a cosmic blur. It must be said that April 2024 is not easy. The events are intense. Between Mercury retrograde, eclipses, and the different planetary alliances, everything pushes us to review our achievements. There is a desire for change, a need to do things differently, and above all the temptation to leave everything behind to explore new avenues. But because in astrology everything is movement and transformation, the week of April 15 to 21 could be decisive for the vision we have of love. Whether in our relationships with others or through the way we look at ourselves, everything can change. Explanations.


In her diary co-written with lithotherapist Johann Chevillard, “Mercury retrograde 2024”, astrologer Isabelle Elvira explains that this start of the week is like a big wall. “Everything is blocked inside and out. We have the impression that insurmountable, and often imaginary, obstacles stand before us. The heart locks, the doors close and the light fades. » Stress, sadness, and headache. The sky doesn’t seem exactly kind to the twelve signs of the zodiac in mid-April. Fortunately, everything is about to change. “This impression of blockage is only temporary” maintains the astrologer before continuing. This Wednesday, April 17, focuses on our heart values. “Love evolves too. It’s time to define new ways of loving and loving yourself.” The Moon (dream, emotion, roots), Mercury (communication), and Venus (love) form a positive alliance that invites us to show more sympathy towards those close to us and compassion towards ourselves. This trio awakens our emotional intelligence. Hearts calm down, and compromises are found. We listen to each other and understand each other. We dream together of ways to build the future differently.


Thursday is “only love”. Mercury and Venus move hand in hand in Aries. At the same time, the planets join forces with Chiron (the healer) to open a parenthesis of sweetness and joy. When the two meet, our ability to enjoy every moment awakens. Enough to encourage meetings and flirting. On Friday, an “awareness of a loving feeling” could take place. This is an opportunity to give value to what matters. Jupiter (luck) and Uranus (transformation) partner with Ceres, the asteroid of abundance and home. Translation: it’s the perfect time to take care of yourself. We are looking for new solutions to improve our daily lives. What do we want? How can we listen more intensely to our desires, our hearts, and our desires? So many questions that heaven will help us answer more calmly.

By inviting us to take our foot off the gas and reflect on our position, the cosmic energies of mid-April invite us little by little to dive into the gentle atmosphere of the Taurus season which will begin on April 19. It will then be a question of “giving time to time” to better grasp the beauty of the present moment. In astrology, Taurus shows us how to savor the little moments of everyday life. Sign born under the influence of Venus (love), this great charmer, sensual and tender also awakens our desire. In other words: the next few days invite us to “enjoy” by redefining the meaning of this word. We review our priorities. We take care of ourselves and list all the ways we would like to feel loved.

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