Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: Why September Is Likely To Stir Up Conflicts

Things are heating up in September 2024. No, we’re not talking about an Indian summer, but about astrological weather. Because Mars and Venus intend to sow discord with our loved ones.

“Arguments are like a good meal: they’re always better reheated,” the stars seem to tell us, pulling out old files from behind the faggots. Because even though this return to school has been under sweet auspices, the astral calm should not last long. Mercury retrograde may be over, but now it’s time for its rebellious girlfriend: Uranus retrograde. Desires to “throw everything up in the air” like in the Kyo song, a furious need to do everything differently. And that’s just the context. Because the real people responsible for this “cosmic rag-picker dispute” atmosphere are Mars and Venus. When the planet of war and that of peace get involved and… tangle our brushes. We’ll paint you the picture.

September Horoscope: Beware of Arguments

Since August 10, the mustard has been rising between Venus and Mars. But the planet of harmony and justice, Venus, and that of the fight, Mars, have not finished staring at each other like gun dogs. All it took was one more spark to set the powder keg alight, and it was Uranus retrograde that played the role of the match. At the right place and at the right time, since September 4 marks the arrival of Mars in Cancer, and on the 5th, the Moon joins Venus. A possible breaking point for nerves, since emotions easily take precedence over reason. Venus in Libra advocates courteous phrasing while Mars in Cancer and Mercury in Leo want to go straight and let their guts speak. Inevitably, words can then overtake thought. Especially since with Mars in Cancer, we easily feel attacked, and on the defensive.

The sign also tends to bring out the “old grudges” side of Mars, which can lead to outbursts about events that have long since passed. Also watch out for the “made in” Venus in Libra tendency, which is to bury one’s head in the sand when the storm rages too much. Sometimes, there is no point in putting off unpleasant discussions. Especially since the Sun in Virgo, which could help us keep a cool head, conflicts with Jupiter (luck) in Gemini (dialogue). An atmosphere that then favors arguments, especially in the area of ​​love and family. Fortunately, this only lasts until September 23, and everything should be much more pleasant as we approach October. Well, especially for some.

Horoscope: Which signs are most likely to argue in September?

From an astrological point of view, all the signs are affected by these cosmic annoyances. But inevitably, some will find themselves a little more in the eye of the storm. While Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, and Virgo are doing honorably, the other eight have a little more to worry about.

  • Cancer, Libra, Aries, and Capricorn: the four cardinal signs are right in the crosshairs of Mars and Venus. The square formed in the sky (that’s the name given to this angle) is even more uncomfortable for them than for the rest of the zodiac. Be careful not to go too far in wanting to defend your interests and to weigh your words before speaking. Reacting in the heat of the moment is also not recommended. But since there is always something positive to take, even in a difficult astrological transit, we note that these four could have a beautiful evolution. They will learn from their mistakes and will know what to expect once they have sorted things out with their family or friends. In love, conflicts can certainly emerge, but also increase the libido tenfold (Mars’ field of action) or accelerate the evolution of the couple (Venus’ hobbyhorse). A blessing in disguise?
  • Pisces, Scorpio, Gemini, and Aquarius: the other Water and Air signs are also suffering since Venus and Mars are in their peers’ houses Translation? They are also, as the young people would say, “in the astral sauce”. Mars in Cancer can both excite Pisces and Scorpio and lead them to be suspicious, paranoid, or even belligerent. Their great sensitivity is heightened and it becomes more difficult to disentangle truth from feeling. Pisces will have to hold on to their sense of listening and Scorpio to their capacity for resilience. As for Gemini and Aquarius, they will have to be as patient as Venus in Libra to disarm conflicts in their entourage… And those that concern them in the first place. Using their legendary sense of repartee and humor could prove very useful, but be careful not to be too detached.

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