Zodiac Signs

How the signs cope with the pain caused by the death of a loved one

Death is hard to face, no matter who you lost or how close you were when the loss occurred. If you’ve lost your best friend or a close family member, you might feel lost… completely lost.

 This is how the signs cope with the suffering caused by the death of a loved one!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Aries is a brave person in general, and when it comes to facing death, they are no exception. Death is a terrible thing, but he will never deny reality and truth.

He’s very rational about it, whether he’s talking about it with others or making peace with himself. He may be angry at first and will try to express his feelings in a not-so-healthy way, such as throwing things across the room, but this anger will not last long.

Aries is tough and this will not go unnoticed by his friends and family. She may have tears in her eyes when she talks about her loss, but she won’t run away from anything!

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus can sometimes seem like they can’t handle important things, but in reality, they are much calmer than the average person when it comes to dealing with death.

He is strong and collected, even when others are falling apart around him, because he knows that he will eventually have to be their support. If he can be a shoulder for others to cry on, he will feel that he has helped in some way.

He’s not unfeeling at all, he just wants his friends and family to know that he can handle anything life throws his way with poise and grace.

He will grieve at some point, but in the early stages of grief and loss, the Taurus will keep his chin up. 

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

Gemini knows how important it is to have your feelings acknowledged when dealing with tragic situations. There’s nothing they dislike more than when someone doesn’t believe they need a hug or a hand to hold when they’re sad. So, try to be with all those affected when they are going through a loss.

They often try to encourage interaction with their loved ones, usually by sharing their favorite memories of the person they lost.

Gemini will do their best to stay positive when dealing with the death of a loved one, but they won’t quite succeed.

They are deeply affected when they experience death, whether it was a close friend or a family member they only saw once a year. Expect a lot of sincere gestures from them.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Cancer is a sensitive person by nature, so it goes without saying that they would also be very sensitive when dealing with someone’s death or loss. He will obviously become very emotional and cry and needs human interaction to get him through this difficult time.

Of course, don’t expect him to want to talk about it until he says he’s ready, because Cancer can become very introverted and withdrawn until he heals himself.

When Cancer is ready to talk to others, it becomes very sentimental. He believes it helps him come to terms with the idea of ​​being able to talk about the person he lost.

He tends to do this with his closest friends and family, so he’ll have a meal or get-together where everyone can share their favorite stories and let it all out. 

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Leo doesn’t shy away from showing how he feels, and when he’s really upset, he won’t hold back his tears. When it comes to facing death, he tends to suppress his emotions a bit until he figures out how to deal with the situation.

It’s not unusual for a Leo to suppress their feelings for a while and actually become quite reserved after the death of a loved one.

Even though Leo won’t be crying anytime soon, that doesn’t mean they don’t deal with loss and grief in other ways. He is known by many to be a generous person, so when dealing with the death of a loved one, he often uses that generosity where he can.

Whether that means offering to buy flowers for the function or volunteering to cook for the family, Leo wants to be helpful at all times. 

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

After a huge loss, Virgo needs constant reassurance that everything is going to be okay and that the world will return to normal because otherwise it will immediately fall apart.

She dwells so much on the news of the loss of a loved one that it turns into overthinking, an obsession that keeps her stuck in a loop of negative thoughts. First of all, Virgo feels despondent when faced with the death of someone close to them. She takes it personally and can become inconsolable for a long time.

She might calm down after a few days of deep depression, but when asked about her loss or when she has to go to a funeral, the overwhelming distress will inevitably rekindle. 

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Libra is sad for a long time after dealing with the death of a loved one. This doesn’t mean she can’t be comforted at all, or that she’s in a deep depression that lasts for months, but she’s taking things one day at a time and knows that recovery is a slow process.

She keeps her head on her shoulders much better than most signs and is probably the zodiac sign you should go to if you can’t handle adversity alone.

When Libra faces death, it becomes even more rational than it usually is. She knows that death is just a part of life and that it can’t be stopped, so she doesn’t worry about the past as much as others.

She often takes the lead and remains objective, knowing that there is a process that must happen after the death of a loved one. She will be the one to handle the arrangements and even the speech after the service.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

When Scorpio is dealing with death, he takes it very seriously. After all, that person was very close to him and he lost her. He also feels this loss very keenly and will express his sadness through crying, sharing memories and much affection with friends and family who are suffering.

Because he is going through the loss of someone close to him, he wants to bring everyone who is alive even closer to him. But while he may cry profusely, he is incredibly resilient and strong-willed. He can bounce back from tragedy and death better than most other signs.

It’s not like he can shake it all off like it won’t matter after a few days, because he believes that life is worth living and that somehow the people he lost live on through him. 

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

For some signs, the Sagittarian way of dealing with the death of a loved one may seem less emotional, but it’s important to remember that everyone deals with such a loss in their own way. In fact, Sagittarius is sometimes just the person you need when it’s time to let things go.

He tries to be as upbeat as possible, but not disrespectful. Instead, they try to bring positivity and happiness to a gloomy time.

Sagittarius is reassuring and comforting when dealing with the loss of a loved one because they know they are not the only ones going through a difficult time.

He understands other people’s feelings and believes that having family and friends going through the same thing actually helps him cope better, which in turn he can use to help others cope.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn tries to be mature in how they handle serious news, especially when dealing with the death of a loved one. But that doesn’t mean they don’t suffer. In fact, being an Earth sign, he can actually become one of the most melancholic signs.

When faced with the death and loss of a loved one, the Capricorn weighs heavily and even deals with enormous grief.

When Capricorn loses someone close to them, they are inconsolable. It’s a deep, emotional blow to him, and it’s not uncommon for him to become estranged from friends and family throughout the process.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

For many people, Aquarius seems to be quite emotionally distant during times of grief and loss, even when dealing with death. But in reality, he faces death in his own way.

He knows that isolating himself from everyone around him after losing someone he loves is not the answer and won’t help his heart heal. Instead, they try to help where it’s needed.

Aquarius will need time to heal their wounds, but they know they can support others during this time.

He acts as a friend, helping with arrangements and making things easier for grieving friends and family.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Losing a loved one is a time of great importance for Pisces. As a rule, the Pisces native is a sensitive person, and when faced with the death of a loved one, the mourning period is a priority for him.

He wants to show that he can help others, but it is incredibly difficult for him to lose someone close to him.

Depending on how sad he is, this native often resorts to crying and withdraws into it. When he feels a little better, he becomes compassionate and tries to help those who are also suffering as much as he can.

For this zodiac sign, introspection and self-healing methods are just as important as healing loved ones. 


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