Zodiac Signs

How the zodiac signs get over a divorce

Divorce is not easy for anyone. For some, it can tear their soul and become depressed, angry, or sad. Others pass more easily, trying to direct their attention to something else. How are you coping with the divorce?

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Aries is very unpredictable, especially when it comes to divorce or separation.

If he’s bored with his relationship, he might get over it easily, but if the divorce is heartbreaking, he can become impulsive and say hurtful things. The good news is that Aries tries to recover quickly and once the bad mood is over, he will be back to himself. He won’t wait too long to start dating again.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus will be devastated by the divorce and it will take them a long time to think about dating again.

He will try to reconcile with his ex-partner, but if it doesn’t work, he will close in on him and let time heal him. Fortunately, he is patient enough because he needs to be patient with himself to get over the pain of the breakup.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

When Gemini divorces, it can be shocking for everyone.

Gemini may seem completely happy in their relationship, but in fact, they may be bored and dissatisfied. If they don’t get what they need, they have no problem ending the marriage. They listen to the advice of others, but in the end, they will do what is best for them.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Relationships and family are extremely important to Cancer, so it can sometimes seem dependent on them.

If he feels ignored or his partner isn’t there for him, Cancer might go elsewhere to look for the love and attention he needs. If abandoned, Cancer will be destroyed and can go through all stages of pain. It may take some time to get over a relationship, even if it wasn’t right for him.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

When going through a divorce, Leo feels the need to prove to everyone that his partner was the problem.

It’s not that he doesn’t take responsibility for his role in the breakup, but his ego is deeply affected if someone he cares about proves that he can live without him. He doesn’t like to feel helpless, so he will try to take control of the situation as much as possible. The divorce makes him suffer a lot, but he is too proud to show his pain. Then, he will try to give up any expectations about marriage.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

Virgo is very practical and if she begins to notice irregularities in her relationship, she will do everything possible to save it and repair the damage, especially if children are involved.

If the situation is hopeless, Virgo will want to minimize the loss as soon as possible so they can move on. No matter what happens, she will not vent her anger around the children, they are her priority.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Libra knows that if a relationship isn’t working, it’s an opportunity for it to evolve, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t painful.

If possible, he will try to learn something from the divorce experience. In an ideal world, her partner will fall back in love with her. When this doesn’t happen, Libra forces herself to move on and find someone else to adore her.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is very passionate and intense. If he is asked for a divorce and does not expect it, he will have an exaggerated reaction.

He loves with all intensity and when this love of his is thrown away, he will feel hurt and angry. It is not unthinkable for a Scorpio to act vindictively against a former partner or do something manipulative and destructive. He doesn’t act rationally when he’s hurt, and divorce is one of the things that hurts him the most.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is a free spirit and if they start to feel anxious in their relationship, they will want to get out of it.

If he doesn’t have enough time to process his feelings, he may get involved too quickly in a new relationship to try to mask old hurts. It may be a challenge for him to stick around to work out all the details of the divorce because his instinct will be to walk away.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn will try to make their relationship work with everything they have.

He wants the family unit to remain intact, if possible. He can’t stand the idea of ​​divorce, but sometimes it’s not enough just to want the relationship to go well. If his partner repeatedly cheats on him or does something unforgivable, his feelings will be shattered and there will be no room for negotiation. He will make a plan for each day that he will stick to, to facilitate his recovery.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius doesn’t want to be the bad guy in a relationship, but they also don’t want their partner to get too emotional.

So, if his relationship is not working, he will try to manipulate the situation so that his partner feels that he has to take responsibility for initiating the breakup. He loves to be surrounded by people, but also to be alone, so solitary walks in nature can be beneficial for him.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Pisces demands a lot of attention and care from their partners, offering the same things in return.

They will be involved in a relationship as long as their needs can be met, and if they are not, they can become depressed and unhappy. Pisces and its partners will reconcile and separate several times before the final separation. The best thing they can do to get over a divorce is to surround themselves with people who support and love them

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