Zodiac Signs

How to Continue a Toxic Relationship (Based on Your Zodiac Sign) In 2022

And no matter how hard the fight is, in the end, it will be worth it, believe me. After all, you fight for your own happiness, your own good, and your own health.

Want to find out how to get on with a toxic relationship? What should you do after a toxic relationship? If so, then read this post to the end to get advice based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Try new things

As a ram, you are adventurous and unique. After a bad separation or toxic relationship, try to be inspired by the millions of things life has to offer.

Maybe you will do bungee jumping or cage diving. Whatever it may be, you should move confidently and accept this new chapter in your life with open arms.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Go hiking/camping

As a bull, you are very rooted and affectionate. Separations are particularly hard for you because it always takes a very long time for you to become emotionally available again. The best way to move on to an emotional breakdown is to explore the serenity and beauty of nature.

Let the simplicity of nature calm you as you learn to let go of the past and focus on the future.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Hang around with your best friends

You are the life of your group of friends and usually a ray of sunshine. Having a toxic relationship could make it hard for you to be yourself again.

Take the time to return to your roots and hang out with your closest friends as often as possible. You will jam how therapeutically good friends, sparkling wine and TV serial marathons can be.

Cancer (June 21st to July 22nd)

Write and read poems

Like cancer, you are incredibly loving and very sensitive. However, a toxic relationship could cause you to begin to doubt your loving and harmonious nature. Put all your feelings on paper and read a lot.

Even if you think that you are not a good writer, try to write down all your feelings and emotions. Just let your thoughts about loss, grief, and frustration run free.

Leo (July 23 – August 24)

Visit a course

You brighten up any space and be a creative leader. You beam and feel unbelievable when you are at its peak, but it is difficult for you to find a toxic relationship to find that happiness.

Meet new people who have nothing to do with the people you know. By discovering a new passion for yourself, be it a cooking class, a Zumba class or a painting class, you allow yourself to continue on a toxic relationship.

Virgo (23rd August – 22nd September)

Find a new hobby

As a virgin, you are very mature and driven. However, when you’re with someone, you tend to worry too much about your partner and help him succeed.

After a toxic relationship, you feel as if you have lost more than one partner. Find a new hobby that will give you meaning in life again. 100% is something you always wanted to do or try. Go on, do it now.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Go on a journey

You have a great social circle and many dear friends. After a toxic relationship, you usually have many people around you to help you keep going. However, you may have neglected some of these friendships because of your last relationship.

Contact these people and find time to travel with them somewhere. Whether traveling 50, 500, or 5,000 km, explore new areas and learn to let go of this toxic relationship.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Invest in something new

Like a scorpion, you are a very passionate and emotional person. You love very much and are often incredibly influenced by a toxic relationship. However, after a toxic relationship, it is best to find something that requires your time and energy.

Whether it’s a new houseplant, a painting or a puppy, find something that will make you yours.

Sagittarius (22nd November – 21st December)

Survive! Survive!

You’re a very nice star sign that can cope with almost anyone. Therefore, even following a toxic relationship, you should pursue things that make you happy.

Treat yourself to a fun musical, visit stand-up shows or concerts live. Allow the energy of the crowd to lead you to bigger and brighter adventures.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Focus on your work

Whether you know it or not, you are incredibly successful. Allow yourself to let go of a toxic relationship by focusing on your work and goals. Get involved in a new project at work or volunteer with an organization that inspires you.

By giving something back to your community and working towards a dream, you will realize that you are leading your best life (without your toxic relationship).

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Use your emotions as a muse

As Aquarius, you are one of the most unique and creative brains in the zodiac. Use what you have learned from your toxic relationship and channel it to process your feelings.

Whether you decide to write a short story or create a work of art, allow yourself to understand your feelings and express them creatively.

Pisces (19th of February – 20th of March)

Think of a beautiful place where you will be happy – and go there

Like a fish, you are a dreamer and an artistic soul. Allow yourself to let go of a toxic relationship and retreat to a place where you feel happy and secure.

Whether it is a garden in your neighbourhood, a lake house or a beach, explore a place where you’ll feel at home. Allow yourself to understand your vulnerabilities and insecurities and work them out in an environment where you are happy.

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