Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscope For December 2023: The Magic Of Christmas Promises Pure Feelings

December is full of feelings. You can read here which zodiac sign is having a blast this month.

Christmas is the Celebration of Love. However, the universe has already planned a whole month of happiness for some zodiac signs. Find out what December has to offer for singles and couples here.

Capricorn love horoscope

As a single, Venus and Jupiter give you wonderful impulses to make more of a sweet flirt before Christmas. Love and romance are in the air.

If you’re in a relationship, you’ll get closer to the person you love again. You get in the right mood for everyday life together. Your bond becomes stronger and stronger and you invest in new feelings with conviction.

Aquarius love horoscope

If you’re single, you’re indecisive in December. You’re up for non-binding fun, you like flirting and you’ll also take sweet flirts with you when the opportunity arises. But Venus runs sideways, which makes it clear: it takes time for you to develop deeper feelings.

If you are in a relationship, Venus can confuse you a bit. Your favorite person gets jealous more quickly, and you argue more often. At Christmas, there can be intense conversations that also stimulate your libido. From December 29th the mood brightens and New Year’s Eve even becomes a special love highlight.

Pisces love horoscope

Thanks to Venus and Jupiter, you’ll have a lot of fun in Advent. As a single, you are the favorite on online portals and at all single meeting points in your city. You are lucky and want to fall in love.

In relationships, Venus provides sparkling romance and more passion. You also get closer to each other in conversations. You two are a close-knit team and enjoy every moment of Advent – and an unforgettable celebration of love!

Aries love horoscope

Sexy tingling impulses will spoil you in December. Sun and Venus give you the finest opportunities as a single. You collect sympathy, likes, and all kinds of attention. People want to get to know you.

In relationships, Mars pimps erotic attraction. You enjoy the winter, look forward to Christmas, and are committed to each other.

Taurus love horoscope

As a single, you play with your chances in Advent. You like to flirt, conquer, and seduce. But you don’t want to commit to one person. You would much rather enjoy your independence and being able to do whatever you want.

In a relationship, you need a long leash and want to break out of the routine more often. Talk openly about it with the person you love, then you can work together to make your wishes come true.

Gemini love horoscope

Happy singles like you flirt more easily. Especially when Mars animates you. Your erotic attraction is incredibly strong. But be careful, the person you are talking to may not be completely honest with you. Check out your dates carefully before you fall in love.

Couples experience quite a change in emotions. Sun and Mars show that your relationship needs more care. Use the Christmas season to consciously promote harmony and spend time together.

Cancer love horoscope

Venus and Jupiter allow you to have a lot of fun flirting. As a single, you are receptive to love and rely on romance and sweet dates. The encounters are quite tough. You can fall in love, your feelings will be reciprocated.

Couples choose Advent as a time of cuddles and cuddle and kiss with devotion. From time to time there is also a heated debate. But this has an even more inspiring effect on your sex life.

Leo love horoscope

Sun and Mars make you strong and self-confident in love. As a single person, you are ready to fall in love and are actively looking. It can be intense, which you naturally enjoy. But it’s not entirely uncomplicated; your flirtation could have a few pitfalls. But as a Leo, you love a challenge and so you enjoy it.

Sex and eroticism play a big role in relationships during Advent. You like to present yourself seductively. But you are a little more sensitive when it comes to jealousy.

Virgo love horoscope

You are on the right track in your relationship. Although there are also slight troubles, your love can endure it. Venus also makes it clear: Romance and sensuality are very important to you and you know exactly how to create sensual moments in everyday life.

As a single person, you are very happy with your independence. But you still have the necessary luck when flirting and dating. Maybe you’d take a second look? It would be worthwhile!

Libra love horoscope

Mars puts you in a conquering mood. You would like to meet nice people and also like to go a little further. The erotic sizzle is strong and drives you on.

Couples are in a cuddly mood and like to make themselves comfortable as a couple. But you don’t just push in close combat, you can now also implement joint projects quite easily.

Scorpio love horoscope

Venus in Scorpio brings you luck in love. As a single, you are on the hunt for your soulmate. Your recipe for success: You change your prey pattern and are ready to curb your perfectionism and forgive small mistakes and quirks. Because you realize: These are what make another person interesting.

Couples can rely on each other. You are loyal, trustworthy, and reliable. But that’s not all. Venus inspires you. So you experience Advent as a romantic and cozy phase full of deep feelings.

Sagittarius love horoscope

The fiery impulses of the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius increase your sex appeal and your desire for erotic pleasure. If you’re single, you’re in a flirty mood. You collect a lot of likes and date, attractive people. At the end of the year, you can even fall in love. This will make Christmas a celebration of love for you!

Couples enjoy togetherness. You treat each other generously, cuddle, and love to your heart’s content.

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