Zodiac Signs

Love horoscope for the week of May 15-21. Virgo should not believe in promises

Find out what the stars are preparing for you this week on a sentimental level and see how to attract luck to your side!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Try not to be too impatient about your relationship. It is vital to take things slowly, especially if you are not yet married.

Try to give your life partner some time so that they feel free to express their feelings.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

This week may not be one of the best for you in terms of love.

However, bad news will stop coming your way from Friday onwards.

If you are still single, it is possible that an ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend will come back into your life and bring you some reproaches.

If you are involved in a relationship, you will fight with someone for the sake of your partner. You will be against all in the name of your love.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

This week will bring many challenges for you in terms of love.

It will be interesting because they will take you out of your routine, but it will also be overwhelming because you don’t know what to believe anymore.

A new and totally unknown piece of information about your life partner will hit you like a bolt of lightning.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Your love life is not perfect because no relationship is without problems.

However, don’t be a gnat when it comes to small incidents between you and your loved one.

If you’re single, you’ll most likely have plenty of flirting opportunities, but that’s it.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

You are too proud, and your life partner will lose patience with you this week.

Try to drop this attitude as soon as possible, because you might lose him/her for good.

If you are single, someone much older than you will try to get into your good graces.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

You take what you hear too much to heart and this will affect your relationship more than you thought.

Put the gossip aside because you know best what’s in your home.

If you are unhappy with the person next to you, don’t wait for someone else to tell you to break up.

If you’re single, don’t go back to an old love, no matter what you’ve promised.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The big love challenges are just now starting to appear in your life.

You may receive spectacular news and equally unfortunate news.

Chances are you’ll get married, have a baby, or move in with your partner, but there’s also the risk of a breakup. Relatedly, the only reason this could happen would be infidelity.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Only those who do not love do not suffer. That’s what this week will be about.

Some events that will happen in your couple will shake you up a bit these days. There are possible nasty words said on your nerves, which you won’t soon forget. Try to speak openly and calmly to the person next to you to clarify the situation.

If you are single, a new person appears in your life and turns your world upside down. In a good way!

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

According to this week’s astrological forecast, days full of passion and stormy love are ahead.

You love passionately, but you also suffer a lot. Try to take things easy because you are consuming yourself internally and destroying your well-being.

Jealousy is part of you, but don’t let it all surface!

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

This week you will be lucky enough to meet someone special who will go a long way in getting over a recent love disappointment.

However, do not use that person to heal your wounds.

If you think your relationship has a real chance, then leave yourself to fate. If not, you’re not kidding!

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

The first days of this week will be extremely intense due to disputes with your life partner and his/her family.

Try not to discuss intimate things face-to-face with anyone other than him/her, especially to reproach him/her. If this happens, your relationship will suffer because you will drift apart.

If you’re single, put the shame aside and approach that person you like.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

According to this week’s horoscope, your love life will suffer a setback. Why? Because neither you nor your life partner is making efforts to surprise you anymore.

Boredom may have set in in your couple, and the result is visible for all to see.

A good friend notices this and draws your attention to it because you might overlook it. It’s not too late to do something!

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