Zodiac Signs

Love Tarot Spread For All Zodiac Signs: Week From October 10 To 16

What to expect from a relationship with your loved one – quarrels or harmony? Who will be lucky to meet their soul mate? Tarot cards know the answer.

Aries – Fool

There is no need to think and guess what awaits you this week. Everything will happen spontaneously and unexpectedly. On a personal level, the week does not promise any difficulties, but quite the contrary, everything will turn out simply and carefree. You will need this period to study your soulmate, perhaps you will get to know your partner from the other side.

Taurus – Tower

This week you may seem to be freed from the painful shackles of relationships. But you don’t need to blame your partner for everything. It is quite possible that you created all these frameworks for yourself. This period is perfect for “freeing yourself” and starting new fruitful relationships. Keep in mind that you can start fruitful relationships with old ones too.

Gemini – 3 of Cups

The week opens up excellent prospects on the personal front. Relationships will be based on understanding, mutual care, love, and harmony. The period is perfect for a honeymoon. But even if you already have it, it’s quite possible to repeat it!

Cancer – 7 of Pentacles

Your relationship with your partner will develop slowly but surely. The best thing you can do for both of you this week is to not rush yourself or your partner. It’s better if you trust the natural course of events. Otherwise, you can turn everything towards scandals and swearing.

Leo – Knight of Cups

For you, this week on a personal level is like a ray breaking through the clouds. Or this period can be compared to dawn. In any case, finally, understanding will begin to emerge in your couple, mutual respect will begin to emerge, and, based on all this, the shoots of love will begin to break through.

Virgo – High Priestess

The week will be full of deep emotions: affection, tenderness, and need for a partner. But the most important thing is that these emotions may well degenerate into those feelings where you are confident in your partner and the future with him. If it turns out that you are not in a couple now, you shouldn’t change anything this week. Believe me, you will feel more comfortable this way. While you are not ready to share your personal space with anyone, much less adapt to someone.

Libra – Hanged Man

Be patient. It looks like a crisis has arrived that we will have to endure. You may have to face claims, reproaches, quarrels, and perhaps even scandals. Don’t worry, there are crises in normal relationships too. And it looks like yours came exactly this week.

Scorpio – 4 of swords

If you’re not in a relationship, it looks like you’ll be seriously challenged by this question this week. And this will be accompanied by such sensations as a feeling of abandonment, loneliness, and uselessness. But, unfortunately, such emotions can also be experienced in a couple. Therefore, if you are not alone, you can feel all of the above within yourself. In order not to make a mountain out of a mountain, so as not to lose yourself or your partner, the Four of Swords recommends taking some kind of break in the relationship. It will be useful to take a break from each other, perhaps even live separately.

Sagittarius – Queen of Cups

If you are in a quarrel with your boyfriend, this week is ideal for reconciliation. But don’t rush to take steps forward; the card says that it’s better for you not to apologize, but to accept them. If you meet your partner halfway, then there is every chance that your relationship will reach a new level, as if being reset and giving you a chance to build everything anew.

Capricorn – 10 of Cups

The week will give you a feeling of security, safety, and reliability. It’s time to forget all disappointments, insults, reproaches, and misunderstandings. Better replace this negative with something lighter and warmer. If you manage to cope with this task, then expect that your relationship will sparkle with new bright colors, where trust and understanding will reign. If you are single, don’t push away new options when meeting someone. The person who will show you attention this week may be a very good option for you.

Aquarius – 6 of swords

Finally, learn to appreciate and love yourself first, and not your partner! A broken cup cannot be mended, and what you try to do to preserve your relationship this week is unlikely to benefit you. The best option would be to leave the past to open the door to a brighter future.

Pisces – Devil

Echoes of past quarrels will not keep you waiting. You will have to go through negativity, reproaches, and sidelong glances. You shouldn’t renew your relationship this week. This threatens even more global problems: scandal, betrayal, and even a final break.

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