Zodiac Signs

Mercury Retrograde: Feeling Lost? Three Questions To Clarify Your Thoughts

Did you know that Mercury retrograde can cause delays and breakdowns? We bet you didn’t know that it can also cause a few existential crises. Here are 3 ways to do some cosmic introspection.

Let’s put the church back in the middle of the village. Yes, we love to hate Mercury retrograde, but no: it’s not just a nasty troublemaker. It’s even the ideal time to take a step back and take stock. Are you feeling as disenchanted as in the Mylène Farmer song lately? Do you have the unpleasant impression that “everything is chaos”? Congratulations, you’ve won a ticket for a little astral reflection thanks to Mercury.

What is Mercury retrograde again?

Before you get carried away, here’s a reminder. Mercury retrograde is a recurring astrological phenomenon. About every 88 days, or three times a year on average, the planet of communication and intellect changes trajectory. It’s not uncommon to hear astrologers say that Mercury is retrograde or that it’s turning around in the sky. In reality, no. It’s a simple optical illusion linked to the deviation of its orbit. More concretely, during this period, the planet invites everyone to review their copy. Small turbulences are then to be expected. Loss of objects, forgetfulness, misunderstandings, and even misunderstandings. The list of hazards is as long as the benefits that such a period can provide. You don’t believe it? Mercury retrograde is also there to allow you to recalibrate your desires, your wishes, and your projects. Thanks to all this, you will be able to evolve, grow, and find your anchor point more easily… On condition that you begin a work of introspection by questioning yourself intelligently.

Are you happy with the relationships you have?

In mythology, Mercury is none other than the messenger of Olympus. He’s a bit like the good friend to whom we like to confide secrets. Except that if in astrology, Mercury is the planet that makes us more or less sociable depending on the sign in which it is, the star also tells us about the exchanges that we have daily with others. What is your place in society? How do you communicate? It is well known that Mercury retrograde is the very emblem of the return of exes and old acquaintances. It is possible that during this period, you receive messages from people whose existence you may have forgotten or whom you had promised yourself to leave aside. Mercury is there to show you that there is something wrong with all this.

Disturbing? Maybe, but it’s Mercury’s way of making you understand that a page needs to be clarified or turned. Goodbye to unspoken things. Mercury requires you to say things clearly and make sure that the message is recorded. Mercury retrograde is there to encourage you to take the bull by the horns and tackle problems head-on. The planet highlights everything that needs to be reassessed with the sole aim of making you understand that it is sometimes good to take a step back from the situation. It is also a way of realizing that when one door closes, another opens and that is also very good. No longer having the same desires and needs as yesterday is a nice proof of personal evolution.

What if there was another way to do it?

Mercury retrograde is the queen of the unexpected and delays. A meeting is moved, a date is postponed until tomorrow… The comings and goings and missed appointments are the very nature of Mercury retrograde. If this can generate frustration, tell yourself that Mercury has a plan for everything. The planet sees much further than you dare to imagine. For good reason, these disruptions which, we know, risk seriously annoying Virgos whose agenda is always spotless, are in reality a gift from heaven. Take this as an opportunity to revise your plans. Reread your presentation, perhaps you missed the typo that crept into the first slide of your PowerPoint. Review your calendar. This date that you had set and which was canceled at the last minute may allow you to meet another, much more attractive person… Do you understand the dynamic? In reality, Mercury retrograde encourages you to take a fresh look at the world. It is about reinterpreting certain situations and finding new solutions.

What lessons did you learn during this Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrogrades are always intense trials. Understandably, it’s a tiring month. However, just because its course becomes direct again doesn’t mean you should ignore this period and act as if nothing happened. (We see you, Taurus!). Often, during Mercury retrograde, it’s advisable to follow the rhythm of the planet, that is, to slow down and withdraw (slightly, rest assured, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius friends) into yourself. In short, meditation is essential. Mercury retrograde is a trial, certainly, but one that promises to help you grow, to tend toward a better version of yourself. You still have to listen to the signs of the Universe. To do this, it’s important to take the time to reflect.

At the end of each Mercury retrograde, take a moment to list everything you have learned. What conclusions have you drawn? What changes have you observed? What projects have you decided to get rid of? What do you promise yourself to transform? To improve? To put into practice to succeed in facilitating your exchanges, your relationships, your organization, or, more simply, your daily life and your life.

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