Zodiac Signs

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo (and Leo) Starting August 5th: What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

From August 5 to 29, 2024, Mercury “leaves us in sight” for a cheesy retrograde. On the agenda? Professional and personal chaos, wounded egos, and a serious need for a vacation.

Mercury is absent from August 5 to 29, 2024. In astronomical language, this simply means that it is retrograde (again). From an astrological point of view, it is a little spicier than that. Delays of all kinds, relationship shambles, technology that does whatever it wants… According to astrologers, this moment is a bad quarter of an hour to spend. Especially since this year, it is a bit like Mercury retrograde twice in a row since it straddles two signs. From August 5 to 15, it retrogrades in Virgo, then in Leo until August 29. “Mercury, by disrupting both the practical and concrete sense of Virgo and the heart of Leo, could completely turn our routines upside down,” warns Isabelle Elvira in “Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide 2024.” Two flavors of Mercury retrograde for the price of one? We know you weren’t asking for that much, but we’ll still tell you what it means for your zodiac sign.

Mercury Retrograde Summer 2024 Edition: Hot Ahead

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo August 5: Reorganization

The first round of this cosmic match that is being played against us (or despite us, depending on your point of view) takes place from August 5 to 15. For ten days, a slight mental panic could set in. When the planet of reflection retrogrades in Virgo, one of its two favorite signs, it is always to reorganize our lives from top to bottom. We may have the impression of suddenly seeing everything that is wrong. The flaws in our apartment that need changing, the flaws in our organization, the gaps in our daily routines and habits. Because yes, Mercury retrograde is much more than trains that don’t arrive and computers that break down: it is an opportunity to take stock.

  • The downside of Mercury retrograde in Virgo? A feeling of unpleasant dissatisfaction and general disorder.
  • The positive side of Mercury retrograde in Virgo? The desire to take things in hand, to take care of yourself, your home, and your health.

Mercury Retrograde in Leo on August 15: Mirror Game

August 15, 2024: Whether or not you take the bridge, it’s the second round of this Mercury retrograde. Change of scenery, we are now playing on the field of Leo, the sign of the ego and love. These are the themes that are likely to give you a hard time, in terms of reflection and dialogue. Normal, Mercury retrograde in Leo is the ideal time to self-dissect. But be careful, egos could be particularly fragile: between a drop in self-esteem, a feeling of not being understood or recognized at its true value. The moment shakes up our self-image, especially in the way we express ourselves. “Starting with communications which will be seriously disrupted,” explains Isabelle Elvira. “We will no longer be able to talk about ourselves, define ourselves, put ourselves forward.”

  • The negative side of Mercury retrograde in Leo? A crisis of self-esteem, and frustration in communication.
  • The positive side of Mercury retrograde in Leo? A period of beneficial introspection and creativity.

In short, the Mercury retrograde of this summer 2024 is likely to affect all areas of our lives. Isabelle Elvira summarizes: “The bulk of the Mercurian chaos will therefore affect both areas: professional and academic, back-to-school organization with Virgo, then personal around the heart and all the pleasures of summer with Leo.”

Mercury retrograde in August 2024: what impact on my sign?

  • Virgo, Leo, and Gemini: this trio is concerned in the first place. The first two, since the retrograde is taking place on their playing field, and the third because Mercury is his lucky star (and that of Virgo). Even if Gemini will probably have a hard time until August 15, he should start to get back on his feet gradually. Virgo and Leo are shaken up, but they are learning a lot about themselves. As a result, the second half of the summer does not look easy for them but is rich in reflections that could be very useful to them when they return.
  • Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, and Scorpio: for these four, the positive impact will mainly take place between August 5 and 15. Plans for the fall are refined, a project is taking shape and we get back into our good habits. On the other hand, from the 15th to the 29th, we will have to hold on to our relationships with others and with ourselves. Especially for Taurus and Scorpio, it will be a question of not devaluing ourselves and of remaining attentive to others. However, everyone can rest assured, that Mercury will be back in Virgo (and without retrograde) from September 9 to 26 for a much gentler time.
  • Aries, Libra: for these two opposite and contrary signs, same fight. The first part of this retrograde strives to make them doubt and review their entire way of doing things daily. The second half of August will make a point of making them realize that their value is not necessarily where they think it is.
  • Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius: this trio of astrological signs is not going to have a good time, it must be admitted. Sagittarius will probably have to endure some communication failures and review the way he pleads his case. But it is for the other two that this retrograde promises to be more difficult. Pisces is the opposite sign of Virgo and will be particularly impacted until mid-August, especially on the professional side where everything is set to reorganize. As for Aquarius, the polar opposite of Leo, it is the second part of the retrograde that will give him a hard time. He will have to unravel what is related to his ego, and what depends more on his human values.

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