Zodiac Signs

Money horoscope for the last week of 2022: Which zodiac signs are lucky with money

Which signs will the stars favor this week and which ones will not be so lucky? Read your money horoscope for the week of December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023!
n December 29th, Mercury begins its retrograde transit and, as we all know, things are not quite going the way we thought or hoped!

Read your money horoscope for the week of December 26, 2022 – January 1, 2023!


Although Mercury is retrograde, you are among those favored by the stars this end of the year. Financially it doesn’t feel too strong, precisely because your money this week comes from several sources and only one will be delayed.


The last hop this year is the Christmas party that you are involved in organizing or have a role in running the company and that makes you responsible for it.

You have to make peace with all your colleagues, even those with whom you didn’t have a good relationship last year. It’s time to plan for next year, your income will continue to grow slowly but surely.


On the last hundred of this year, a job offer appears, a higher position, a better salary and all the conditions you have been craving for! You have no reason not to accept, everything seems perfect, but you will still find something to hold you in place. Analyze well!


You are lucky with money this week and not with additional income, but with the recovery of money that was due to you a long time ago.

Although Mercury is retrograde and comes with delays, it will bypass you this year.


Your financial expectations will be exceeded. Either you receive a bonus you didn’t expect, or you receive an inheritance, it is certain that the money will enter your account in a larger amount than you would have hoped for. However, you have to be frugal and not make bad decisions about spending them.


Mercury retrograde will cause you some problems at the end of the year.

You will collect handsome amounts at the beginning of this week, but the New Year will find you with empty pockets because you will either have to return some money or pay a fine.


This week starts promisingly financially. You have a magnet for money more than ever, but don’t get drunk on cold water. The end of the week comes with all the bills. Unforeseen expenses will arise that will destabilize your budget.


It’s the end of the year and you’re doing your cold analysis of the past year. The more realistic you are, the better it will be for the future.

Try to see where you went wrong this year and learn all the lessons so you don’t make the same mistakes again in the future.


It will not be easy to get through this period. You have a lot of expenses on your list, and Mercury retrograde brings financial delays. You may need to borrow money to deal with everything you have to deal with.


You have problems at work and come to the painful conclusion that you don’t like what you do anymore, so the financial reward remains your only joy, which is why you will ask for additional income.

Don’t make impulsive decisions if things don’t go your way. Mercury retrograde will cause you problems!


You get into a mess at work and it will cost you a lot in the long run. It’s not about a financial cost, but about relationships with colleagues. You won’t lack money, but it won’t bring you much joy either.


The last week of this year comes with rapid changes on the professional level, which will also affect income in the future.

There is no need to worry for now, you will find a solution to supplement your income, but leave this decision for after January 18, when Mercury will end its retrograde transit.

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