Zodiac Signs

Naive, This Astrological Sign Tends To Believe Everything It Is Told.

They are said to be able to believe anything, especially if it is far-fetched. This astrological sign has won the prize for the most naive and credulous of the zodiac. Here’s why.

When we tell you that this sign tends to believe in everything, we mostly mean anything and everything. Its trust in human beings has as many limits as its imagination, which is to say very little. So inevitably, this astrological sign tends to be easily taken for a ride. Some are suspicious of everyone (hello Scorpios ), while he is suspicious of almost nothing. And no, Gemini, this is not an invitation to make this most gullible astrological sign of the zodiac run wild.

This Zodiac Sign Is Too Kind For Their Good

And when we talk about “candor” in the zodiac, we tend to falsely turn to the so gentle and regressive sign of Cancer. The one that we consider, in astrology, among the astrological signs whose inner child is most visible on the outside is not, however, the first in the running: its protective instinct is too strong. Enough suspense, the one we are talking about shares the podium of the kindest astrological signs with Cancer: it is Pisces. Here, we do not intend to perpetuate the general idea that one could be “too kind” or that this quality would be laughable. But since it is one of the most important personality traits in the sign of Pisces, it partly explains what we take for naivety. If he believes what you tell him straight away, it is because he is convinced that you have no reason to lie to him, since he would not do it. If he assumes that people are always better than they are, it is because he makes a conscious choice to believe that they could be or become better. And that requires a lot of courage and self-denial.

I want to believe

A second character trait that gives the last sign of the zodiac a little credulous side, Pisces is associated, in astrology, with the concept of faith. This is also one of its main differences with Virgo (its opposite and complementary sign ): she knows from what she has analyzed, he believes from what he feels. Exactly like Scully ( Virgo ) and Mulder (Pisces) in the series “X-Files”. This Water sign lets itself be guided mainly by its emotions and its intuition. It does not know why it chooses to believe in the existence of a ghost that would haunt the elevator of its building, it feels it, that’s all. The sign of Pisces chooses to trust: in itself, in others, and its lucky star.

And if you want to make fun of Pisces, remember that the signs of the zodiac all represent a part of the human being. Kindness and faith are as much a part of us as the rest, and your birth chart necessarily includes a planet or a house in Pisces: there is statistically a bit of the most naive sign in you.

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