Zodiac Signs

New Moon In Libra On October 14 Or The Start Of An Exciting Chapter For Astrological Signs

Make way for love and the search for harmony. The New Moon of this Saturday, October 14, 2023, comes to the sign of Libra to give a second wind to our sentimental lives, especially. A practical guide to understanding everything about this magical event.

Libra season promised us appeasement and a return to gentleness. But now, in mid-October, the sky is active and picks up the pace. A new energy is felt. It’s catchy. That’s exciting. The situation is settling and tensions are gradually fading. Enough to bring about radical changes in the lives of all astrological signs. Between the return of Pluto, the star of destruction and transformation, in a direct course, and the arrival of Mars, ambition, in the sign of Scorpio, an astrological event formalizes the decisive turning point that we are in the process of living. Its name: is New Moon. This Saturday, October 14, 2023, at 7:56 p.m., the night star will reveal all its power. Placed in the sign of Libra, it invites everyone to make a new start to reconnect with their desires. A practical guide to understanding everything.


Usually, the New Moon in Libra is the one that allows us to listen to our hearts a little more. It maintains self-love, makes us aware of the role that those around us play in our lives, and above all, helps us find our roots. Its goal: is to allow us to live in harmony with our feelings, our desires, and our desires. Relationships are balanced, communication is facilitated. In short, we take advantage of the beautiful energies that the Moon sends us to find our place and expand our network. It’s ideal for spending a great time surrounded by our friends, our family, or for organizing a romantic date. Because that’s also Libra. A great romantic at heart, and an unparalleled peacemaker, she unites souls and hearts thanks to a power of seduction that will make the rest of the zodiac green with jealousy.

In 2023, its energy is slightly different from previous years since “this New Moon in Libra is an annular eclipse of the Sun”, as the astrology Instagram account Womoon explains. “It marks a key moment that invites us to more deeply integrate the energy of Libra. […] The message is to learn to create authentic harmony, which respects both our desires and needs as well as those of others. » In other words, this Saturday, October 14, brings a new dynamic to our lives. She invites us to make peace with our past, to free ourselves from all blocking relationships to focus on what (and those) matter to us. We then reveal our true face in all its vulnerability and with all the strength we possess. Now is the time to let our hearts speak, to open up to others, and to evolve both personally and professionally.


If you are a seasoned witch, perhaps you already know that the New Moon is a unique time to set your intentions. In other words, it’s a magical evening to make your wishes. When the power of the Moon connects with the powers of Libra, we take the time to connect with the most sentimental and romantic part that lies dormant within us. Who do we care about? What is the next milestone that we want to take together? Do we feel like we receive as much as we give? So many questions that help us plan for the future with more serenity while defining the limits of a new balance to find. For the most “witchy” among us, this is the perfect time to try to attract love.

This Saturday promises to bring us wonderful moments. By succeeding in establishing our own rules of the game, and by listening to ourselves a little more, too, we will then be able to establish a list of our desires. We must see this New Moon as a liberation. Doors may open and opportunities may present themselves to us. On the heart side, if you looked around, formalization could see the light of day. For two, cuddles will also be an opportunity to discuss future projects. Between friends, we leave room for the pleasure of getting together. On a professional level, discussions will be relaunched. We negotiate, we set our conditions, we set the framework to find the perfect balance with our personal life. In short, everything that can allow us to feel connected to others comes to the fore.


Under the influence of Libra, this New Moon will influence the Air signs. Gemini sees his sympathy capital skyrocket. He wants to have fun and party to enjoy, in joy and good humor, those he loves. Libra, the first to be affected by this lunar phase, takes full advantage of the atmosphere. She is preparing for her future, and wants to embark on new projects (alone or in pairs) as long as she can trust her heart, everything is moving forward. Finally, Aquarius has rising morale. He sorts things out and takes a moment’s respite to start fresh. The New Moon motivates him to make his desires come true.

As for the Fire signs, the atmosphere is also festive. Aries invests a little more in group projects and teamwork. Leo turns out to be particularly generous and benevolent while Sagittarius stands out as the ray of sunshine of the zodiac. He motivates the troops and unites and inspires those around him. Everyone will spend beautiful moments with their loved ones.

This falls on the side of Earth signs who could find the excitement caused by the New Moon somewhat exhausting. While the social events, the meetings, and the festivities follow one another, they have only one desire: to find calm and serenity. Same thing with Water signs. If they appreciate seeing love shine brightly (they are sentimental above all), Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces will be challenged. Not necessarily the best when it comes to opening up, they will have to find subterfuges to succeed in saying what is on their hearts. And no, Pisces friends, a caress does not count as a real “I love you” that we shout from the rooftops…

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