Zodiac Signs

No Fuss: Forecast From November 27 To December 3, 2023

Find out from the astrologer what moods will accompany you this week.

The transition week from November to December will be full of chaotic emotions that may prompt rash actions. A measured approach to affairs – household and work – will help protect yourself from troubles. Read our forecast on what exactly to focus on.


Relatives. You will have to devote a lot of time to communicating with relatives and solving their problems. You may need to re-issue some general documents. In the middle of the week, it is advisable to devote time to parents and older family members. And on the weekends, take care of the children: play together or learn something new.

Lucky days: 11/27, 11/28


Money. Unplanned purchases at the beginning of the week can lead to mild poverty: you will have to adjust your spending plan for the near future. So you should control your emotional impulses and not buy things according to your mood. A clear plan can help with this. It’s also worth thinking about whether shopping has become a muffler for certain experiences.

Lucky days: 28.11, 30.11


Bustle. You can create problems for yourself this week if you try to get everything at once. In order not to drive yourself into a corner, set priorities: understanding what needs to be done first and what will save nerves and effort. Like Taurus, Gemini needs to avoid spontaneous decisions: this week improvisation will not work in your favor, but deliberate actions will bring benefits.

Lucky days: 30.11, 02.12


Health. Minor symptoms of illnesses may well develop into serious ailments if they are not taken seriously. For example, ignore the first signs of illness or discomfort. Timely contact with doctors will prevent a protracted illness. If possible, it is better to undergo a full preventive examination.

Lucky days: 27.11, 01.12


Friends. In the middle of the week, you may have disagreements with a close friend. One of the likely reasons is material interest. So it’s better not to borrow money: these days it’s better to make do with your funds. It is also not recommended to give a loan: untimely repayment or its absence will greatly damage the relationship with a loved one.

Lucky days: 28.11, 03.12


Determination. Too much desire to get your way can cause failure. You should take into account the opinions of other people – perhaps they have a rational grain and a hint on how to more easily achieve what you want. Lack of flexibility will serve you badly now, look for a compromise.

Lucky days: 29.11, 01.12


Abroad. Far from home, you will not only feel uncomfortable, but you may also get into trouble. You can avoid such problems if you avoid long trips this week. Libras who are planning to start training or another project that will require a large sum will find support from family and like-minded people.

Lucky days: 28.11, 02.12


Intractability. You will be haunted by a bad mood and irritability; it is not surprising that you can vent to others. Even stable relationships are under threat on this day. You must constantly be busy with something – this will give you an outlet for your energy. It is better to spend it on useful things rather than on quarrels.

Lucky days: 28.11, 30.11


Partnership. You will have to contact a lot of people on work and business issues. Such communication will not always go smoothly and peacefully. Aggravations will occur due to a clash of interests: when the parties begin to defend their principles. Achieving unity will be difficult. This can be done if the interlocutors make mutually beneficial concessions.

Lucky days: 27.1, 02.12


Routine. Your main mission of the week will be to focus on performing your daily duties. This will cause boredom, but as soon as you manage to solve everything, a feeling of satisfaction and pride in yourself will come. A good time to pay off debts, buy a pet, or organize a winter garden on your balcony.

Lucky days: 29.11, 03.12


Relationship. Your partner or the person you like will do some things that will plunge you into disappointment. Trying to understand your feelings can become obsessive. In order not to provoke mutual rejection, give yourself and your partner time. Such a decision will be a respite for both and will “highlight” real feelings for each other.

Lucky days: 27.11, 02.12


Household members. Your loved ones will often upset you this week. The cause of irritation may be their illogical behavior, in your opinion, or even malaise. Quarrels may break out between your parents and your partner. To resolve the situation, you will have to intervene: act as a peacemaker and try to agree with both sides.

Lucky days: 29.11, 01.12

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