Zodiac Signs

Pluto Retrograde In Capricorn Until October 11th, 2024: Are You Ready For A Life Change?

When the star of transformations meets the most pragmatic of astrological signs, a whole world is reinvented. Here’s what to expect with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn.

They keep coming one after the other. After a month under the yoke of Mercury retrograde and the big return of Uranus retrograde, a new planet is making a U-turn in the sky. Here we go again for a little tour, under the rule of Pluto (transformations) in Capricorn. A rare phenomenon since it is the last time this will happen before 250 years. On the agenda? Our values, our way of acting in society, of governing our daily lives could be shaken up. While from a societal point of view, financial and governmental standards risk changing. Intense, but necessary. Decryption to understand everything.

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: A Radical Reorganization

It is no coincidence that the planet furthest from the Sun is called Pluto. Associated with the god of the Underworld, it embodies transformation, power, strength, and the invisible. Its gift: to succeed in making our fears, our secrets, and our doubts, a power. Pluto is a bit like the alchemist of the solar system. The star invites us to see beyond appearances and pushes us to draw on our innermost being to reconnect with the light. Inevitably, when Pluto goes retrograde everything is intensified. Between introspection and the desire to change everything, we might feel a need to “do a real self-analysis, a self-criticism”, as Chris Semet points out in “Les transits planétaires (Hugo Poche editions).

The challenges have a single goal: to make us aware of our achievements and especially our blockages to readjust our daily lives and regain our balance. Our center of gravity is changing, it is shifting. Our positioning too. This involves questioning our values, and our beliefs. What do we need? What are the most important things in our lives? What is stopping us from moving forward? From feeling fully ourselves? And if this transit (understanding this planetary movement) is so important, it is because radical decisions could be made. Capricorn (the sign in which Pluto is retrograde ) does not make concessions. Ultra pragmatic, it is not afraid to say no or even to bring up the issues that we were trying to push back. It is time to act and put our hearts, heads, and lives in order. The tone is set.

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: what influence on the astrological signs?

Pluto is what is nicknamed in astrology, a “transpersonal planet”. That is to say that its effects concern everyone, especially our society. It therefore has as much impact from a personal point of view as on humanity and its organization. This is why during the coming weeks, we can expect movement on the political or economic side. Proof of this is the newspaper “Libération” which has just released an investigation entitled: “Fictitious assistants of the National Rally: the false documents of Jordan Bardella.” The time has come for revelations.

On a more personal level, all astrological signs may feel the need to “set the record straight.” This is a good time to start ” shadow work,” a practice that astrologers all talk about and which aims to “explore your dark sides” to bring out the best in them. On Instagram, astrologer Cody Springer (@codingastrology_) explains that while all astrological signs “will begin to deconstruct (themselves)” on various subjects, it is “the cardinal signs – Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra – who will feel the effects the most.” For these fantastic four, anything can happen. Sudden, radical changes or unexpected transformations may push them to question everything. However, we should point out that this is not necessarily negative. It could also be an unexpected encounter that will change their vision of love or an opportunity, on the professional side, that will decide them to take another path in their career. For them, the most important thing is to stay alert. With Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, anything can happen. That’s also the magic of astrology.

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