Zodiac Signs

Rating Of Wives And Mistresses By Zodiac Sign. Who Comes First?

Rating of wives and mistresses by zodiac sign. Let’s find out who’s in the first place!


She’s damn pretty, incredibly attractive, and smart. Moreover, it is believed that this is why the Scorpio woman is the worst wife in the world. A man who falls into her network finds himself in real slavery. Of course, it is an honor and pleasure to serve such a precious young lady, but by the time you get used to her complex character, you will have time to develop a bald head, and erectile dysfunction and lose the authority of your friends.


Astrologers say that marrying a Fish is like having a kitten because there is no more benefit from her. Pisces are creatures not of this world, although they are very attractive. There is zero practicality, even less common sense, but emotions are over the edge. At the same time, she will not tear a man’s brains out, but rather will quietly cry on the sidelines.

For some mysterious reason, representatives of the stronger sex become truly dependent on Pisces women. Having broken off relations with these ladies with their heads in the clouds, for a long time they believe that life without them is decay.

10th PLACE – LEO

Rating of wives and mistresses: Only the bravest men can decide on such a union. The Leo wife is luxury, pathos, praises, and everything is only in the superlative degree. The best cars, jewelry, cars – her appetites are not very modest. Theoretically, it is possible to divorce such a predator, but practically after a divorce from the Lioness, all women seem to be pale copies of her.


The Satan-wife, the woman-fire – it is she who stops the galloping horse and enters the burning hut. Next to her, a rare man feels superior – this volcano sweeps away any obstacles in its path. Besides, the Sagittarius woman is always right. And one more thing: in this family, whatever the wife says, so it will be.


The most dangerous kind of wife. The most insidious. She is so insightful that she sees right through people. And she knows who her husband is. Don’t even try to hide anything from her or have even hints of secrets – this agent 007 is cooler than any security officer. Only the most desperate men decide to marry such women.


A femme fatale, a poet’s dream. An Aries woman is the best thing that could happen to a man. At least that’s what she thinks herself. She will fight to the last, but she will re-educate her husband. Any tools are used, and she is sure that it will benefit him!


Smart, beautiful, a skilled cook, an excellent lover – yes, this is a Libra wife. It is Libra who is called the dream of every man. However, there is one “but” – all this awaits a man only on those days when Her Majesty is favorable to kindness and tenderness.

The rest of the chosen one’s free time awaits sophisticated brainwashing and complex hysterics.


The Virgo wife is your best friend, companion, and ally. She is so fiercely in favor of marriage partnership that she chooses the right angle for both in a couple – and it is useless to resist her pressure.

And even if a man has illusions that he is in charge, sooner or later he will realize who is boss. However, Virgo does not do anything head-on – her virtuosity in creating the illusion that anything can be envied.


You need to marry such a woman without hesitation, especially if you are a very cheerful and not very rich goofball. She is strong, smart, and pretty, but most importantly, her strong-willed nature will not give up until she becomes her chosen one a successful man. If you’re ready to accept her methods – for example, a service flying at your head – and you think it’s fun, then go for it!


An ideal man should be the husband of an ideal woman – this is how this lady thinks, who knows how to count, thinks rationally, and is not at all susceptible to emotions.

When choosing a partner, Capricorn women are also guided solely by profit, believing that falling in love is promiscuity. And if she has already chosen her man, then a long and full of dedication life awaits him, where you will not be spoiled.


Almost the leaders of our rating, Aquarius women are just a balm to the heart of almost every man. Eternally young, positive, light, and laughing, she is all so airy and slightly contradictory, but she never blows her mind and creates an atmosphere of drive.

However, if you give her ultimatums or simply try to agree, then you can run into a reinforced concrete wall of misunderstanding. The flexibility of Aquarius is a mirage, and she puts her freedom above all else.


Ta-dam! Here she is – the main character of our rating of the best wives, brides, and fighting friends. Family is above all for Cancer, and home is the very rear that helps representatives of this sign receive energy and conquer the world. The Cancer woman is an ideal mother, an excellent housewife, a witty conversationalist, and adores her husband and even his relatives. In short, a woman without flaws. Petty female blackmail and hysterics don’t count!

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