Zodiac Signs

Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs From August 20th To 26th, 2024

The week of August 19th opened with a Super Full Moon in Aquarius, a time for letting go and clearing out what is no longer working in your life. This process will allow you to reconnect with your authentic inner voice. At the same time, the Sun and Mercury will conjunct in Leo, beginning a new cycle of communication and pursuing your romantic dreams. During this week, the universe is offering you opportunities for new beginnings, with the Sun and Vesta entering Virgo, bringing healing and serenity to your relationships.

Here’s how this period will influence the five zodiac signs whose relationships will particularly improve.

1. Pisces

It’s time to take the initiative in your love life, dear Pisces. Although you tend to wait for things to come to you, this week encourages you to make the first move. It’s crucial to trust yourself and not just hope that you’ll receive what you want. With the Sun’s arrival in Virgo on August 22, a new romantic season begins.

Reflect on the changes that have occurred since the last Virgo period, and honor your personal growth. This new beginning is an opportunity to take concrete steps to attract new love or heal from a breakup in a current relationship.

Use this time to focus exclusively on your love matters, taking initiatives like joining a club or revisiting dating apps. Virgo season is the perfect time to move forward in your relationships, taking stock of your intentions and establishing your desires.

2. Taurus

Taurus, your recent thoughts about your relationship are dispelled thanks to asteroid Vesta’s entry into Virgo on August 24. Vesta represents your inner flame and deep desires, guiding you toward what is meaningful and valuable in your life.

In Virgo, Vesta strengthens your commitment to your current relationship or helps you meet someone new. Trust your feelings of commitment and don’t let doubts hold you back.

Take advantage of this time to clear recent uncertainties and strengthen your relationship, whether through deeper commitment or cultivating love.

Although Mercury is retrograde until the end of the month, Vesta in Virgo offers you the opportunity to process past issues with greater clarity and forgiveness, allowing you to fully open your heart and receive the love you deserve.

3. Leo

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19 can bring about some major revelations in your love life, Leo. This full moon brings endings that, paradoxically, pave the way for new beginnings. Reflect on what has changed since the New Moon in Aquarius on February 9.

You may gain clarity on a specific theme regarding your relationship, and understand that endings are not necessarily negative. They can symbolize a transition to a more serious relationship or a renewal of self-confidence.

With Pluto in Aquarius prompting you to explore your inner truths, this full moon illuminates your emotional needs and romantic desires.

You might realize that you are in love with someone you considered a friend or that you want to give a former partner a second chance. Take some time to explore your feelings to discover what love means to you.

4. Libra

Libra, this week could push you to broaden your perspective to improve your relationship. The universe is inviting you to see if your current relationship reflects childhood wounds or old behaviors. You are at a key juncture in your life, favorable for love and abundance, but the quality of your relationship is crucial to your overall success.

It is important to understand how your partner positions themselves about your past wounds or inherited behaviors. The Full Moon in Aquarius could mark a turning point in your relationship, revealing important truths.

Take time to observe these revelations before making major decisions, especially during Mercury retrograde. If you discover that you have been approaching your relationship with more childish or trauma-based reactions, you have an opportunity to clarify and improve your connection.

Let these discoveries guide you to move forward, whether towards a new love or a positive re-evaluation of your current relationship.

5. Aquarius

Aquarius, you’re beginning to understand why it’s crucial not to rush things in your love life. You’ve recently learned to speak your truth, be more transparent, and avoid old avoidance strategies.

On August 19, the Sun and Mercury united in Leo, bringing a new phase of clarity into your relationship. Even though Mercury is still retrograde, you are halfway through its retrograde journey, and this period marks an important milestone.

The Cazimi in Leo allows you to begin a new phase in your relationship, based on the growth of your communication. Use this period to openly discuss past topics with confidence, and clearly express your needs and desires.

By being clearer in your communications, you lighten the load on your relationship and open the door to a deeper, more harmonious connection. Honor the progress you’ve made and prepare to embrace this new phase with confidence and openness.

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