Zodiac Signs

Tarot Forecast For All Zodiac Signs For The Week Of August 22-28

Aries – Judgment

Final decisions are coming and it doesn’t matter if you make them yourself or someone you can’t influence. But – the moment has come, we must already decide to continue to live with this decision, and this is even a relief – to put an end to some protracted issue or problem. Scary? – Yes. But new conditions mean new opportunities.

Taurus – 2 cups

You can have interesting and pleasant meetings, contacts, tempting offers, or just new acquaintances. Feel free to accept these innovations – they will be at least pleasant and improve your mood, and I can lead to some new interesting prospects. So agree!

Gemini – 5 of Cups

Alas, these days many small, but annoying disappointments await you – = summer ends, efforts did not materialize, flowers fade, and everything is generally wrong … But this is just a natural emotional background, August is generally a difficult month, it’s not you that’s so unlucky It’s just seasonal blues. So do not worry, wilted flowers are replaced by fruits, and in general, everything is not at all as bad as it seems to you, and nothing catastrophic has happened.

Cancer – Star

In your life, luck will dawn, dreams come true, and plans come true. But for now, all this is just flickering somewhere on the distant horizon, and here and now it is necessary to solve current problems. But let hope not leave you and help you believe that everything will be as it should – however, it is still impossible to say exactly when.

Lion – Page of Swords

These days, be vigilant, be careful in contacts, do not trust imaginary well-wishers, do not be frank, but listen carefully to what they say to you and around you – this information can be unexpectedly useful, just be critical of everything you hear.

Virgo – Mage

This week you may have interesting opportunities to show your talents and initiative. You will become of interest to others, they will be ready to succumb to your ideas, to follow you wherever you call. So use it to implement your ideas, or at least enjoy the attention and success)

Libra – 9 swords

And you these days do not nightmare yourself. The situation is really difficult, but panic and depression have not yet helped anyone solve problems, they only interfered. Calm down and figure out what is threatening and what is just your exaggerated fears.

Scorpio – Ace of Swords

The time has come to act – decisively, rationally, and carefully, the time for doubts has passed. And emotions now need to be pushed aside, you already worried about this, and then you worry, but now act correctly and quickly.

Sagittarius – Jester

Now is the moment when everything is possible, and what your actions will lead to is impossible to predict. Therefore, all paths are open, any choices are real or unreal. And it’s impossible to take anything seriously. So don’t go into it, do as you will, you won’t have to answer anyway.

Capricorn – Moon

What is happening is just some kind of haze, twilight in the middle of the day, everything suddenly lost its certainty – relationships, goals, meanings … Then just keep doing what you are doing, do not go astray, do not delve into visions and premonitions – these are all illusions, a fog that will disperse at the first rays of the sun.

Aquarius – Knight of Pentacles

Now is not the time to fuss about trying to change something in the hopes of the best. Everything is good enough anyway, and this stability should be valued and protected. Take care of the strength of the borders, and your well-being, there is no need to twitch and look now.

Pisces – Page of Pentacles

These days, carefully consider everything – funds to kopecks, time to minutes, products to grams. It is thoroughness and accuracy that will allow you to live these days calmly, with the confidence that no surprises will disturb the flow of life.

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