Zodiac Signs

Tarot: These Three Cards Say A Lot About Your Love Life

Did you pick one of these during a draw? It reveals a lot about your love life. That’s the expert opinion of Antonella, a fortune teller for Psychic World. 

If you are questioning yourself about your relationships to the point of doing a dedicated tarot reading: you might as well know the cards that guide you best. Because if all the cards of the Marseille or Rider-Waite-Smith tarot can tell you about this subject, some are particularly telling. This is the bias of the fortune tellers of the esoteric site Psychic World. According to them, here are the three cards that are the most significant about love, in a reading.


It’s a great classic of tarot, to the point that it appears in many films and series. This little favorite of pop culture in matters of the heart is that of the Lovers, of course. Drawn in reading having nothing to do with love, this major arcana speaks rather of a dilemma, often moral. And it is also a bit the case here. “When this card is drawn, it can suggest that a decision must be made in your love life”, according to Antonella. Is this crush worth it? What am I looking for? Be careful, warns the tarot reader, “these choices are important”.

Also, pay attention to the cards drawn upside down. For the Lovers card, this symbolizes a lack of balance in your relationship or a concern on the side of your self-esteem.


If the previous card was a small challenge to take up, in matters of the heart, these two have almost only positive. Drawing them during a draw would be a blessing or the equivalent of a green light for your relationship or search for a relationship. This time, it concerns minor arcana (cups, wands, swords, and coins): the 2 cups and the 10 cups. Why so many cups, when we are not even at the aperitif? They symbolize, in the tarot, our relationships, our emotions, and inevitably, love.

  • For singles, the 2 of Cups indicates “a blossoming romance in your future or a deep connection with someone close to you.” For couples, it suggests “a harmonious balance and a loving relationship built on mutual respect.” Bingo. Be careful, though: drawn upside down, it points to imbalances in the relationship and indicates that you might take it for granted.
  • The 10 of Cups is a form of celebration and romantic accomplishment. It is a sign that your relationship is based on solid foundations or, for singles, that your next relationship will be stable and fulfilling. For Antonella, it is even “the kind of love that only happens once in a lifetime”. But since there is always a “but”, beware of disruptions to the flight of your romance if the 10 of Cups is drawn upside down: here, it is external influences that destabilize your love cocoon. You have been warned.

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