Zodiac Signs

The Arrival Of Autumn Could Boost The Love Life Of This Astrological Sign

According to Jean-Yves Espié’s horoscope, the week of September 19 to 26, 2024 promises to be very sweet for the love life of this astrological sign.

It could have happened to anyone, but it was this zodiac sign that hit the jackpot, in terms of love. Astrally, he has the wind in his sails. The stars seem to have aligned to favor his love stories this week. It must be said that the beginning of autumn, in astrology, always has a slightly romantic flavor. It is Libra season starting September 22, and the most charming sign intends to distill scents of blue flowers into our lives. Well, according to Jean-Yves Espié, especially in that of a particular astrological sign. Well, that’s according to astrology. No need to send us complaints if you haven’t had your fiery declaration.

Equinox Horoscope: Time for Love

If you thought that Françoise Hardy’s song was necessarily about summer, think again. This early fall of 2024 is also “the time of love.” The planet of romantic relationships, among others, Venus, has continued to prepare us for it. In Libra, it has continued to flirt with Jupiter in Gemini in recent weeks. A situation that, in astrology, facilitates new encounters and stimulates social life. But on September 23, Venus will make a remarkable entrance in Scorpio, a symbol of intensity and deep connection. A moment that encourages us to reveal ourselves more, to strip flirting of its artifices to be more authentic. Especially since the return of Pluto in Capricorn reawakens our desire to build a lasting relationship, and the Full Moon in Pisces reawakens Pisces’ desire to believe in it. And that is an astrological climate that benefits one astrological sign in particular.

This astrological sign is lucky in love, at the beginning of autumn.

This week, the stars invite certain signs to deepen a budding or already established relationship. This is especially the case for Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) but especially for Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) who also benefit from a burst of passion with the Full Moon on the 18th. The latter even more than the others. It is Pisces who hands down wins the crown of the luckiest in love of the week. Why? Because it was the one who needed it the most. While the Sun and Venus were in opposing territory (Virgo), the values ​​and relationships of Pisces were put to the test. But in two days, the two stars leave Virgo in turn: the way is finally clear.

Especially since the planet of love arrives in a friendly Water sign and “brings you an exquisite delicacy”, to quote Jean-Yves Espié. The mysterious charm that surrounds Pisce’s works, their kindness and their sense of listening do the rest. The sign with the fins regains confidence in itself and dares to set its conditions by its values. Because “Venus and Pluto form a protective duo to facilitate the impulses of the heart and the emergence of your deep aspirations”, allowing Pisces to attract the right person. As such, in astrology as with Jean-Jacques Goldman, sometimes all it takes is a sign. Or a planet.

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