Zodiac Signs

The Arrival Of Libra Season Brings Luck To These Three Astrological Signs

Passion and luck. For this cosmic trio, everything is going well. The planets are sending a dose of good vibes above their heads. Here’s why the week of September 19 to 25, 2024 will rhyme with pleasure for these three astrological signs.

Change of direction and atmosphere. The past few days may have seemed somewhat intense. The Full Moon in Pisces, coupled with an eclipse, has awakened something in us. Perfect, its liberating effects and creative powers allow us to start a new page in our history. It is now time to turn the page and move on to the next step. In the sky, all the planets are keen to bring us into a new era. Started with the eclipse season, change is approaching. This week, from September 19 to 25, 2024, everything is aligning. First, there is the Sun, which leaves the “too wise” Virgo to join Libra. After a period of hyperactivity that invited us to “get back into our good habits”, Libra season is here to help us find our rhythm. We slow down to better appreciate the present moment. We strengthen ties. Hearts are gently drawing closer.

In the process, on the 23rd, Venus leaves Libra to join Scorpio. Enough to release tensions and passions. Under the control of the most magnetic sign of the zodiac, the planet of love rekindles the flame of desire. Relationships are spicy, certainly, but exciting. The opportunity to strengthen the most intimate bonds. Finally, on the 26th, Mercury (communication) sets sail towards new skies. Direction the sky of Libra to calm exchanges. Mercury helps us find the right words, inject more gentleness into our discussions, and above all take the time to weigh the pros and cons. The program therefore promises to be busy, but there is no question of panicking. No, for three astrological signs, we are rather setting sail for happiness, joy, and love with a capital A. Explanations with the horoscope of Jean-Yves Espié.

Horoscope: This astrological sign could make a lot of money next week

If the new school year has started with a bang for Sagittarius, everything is starting to get back to normal. Since last week, the last Fire sign seems to have regained its legendary strength. This involves gaining confidence and, above all, feeling inspired to go faster and further. In the coming days, he can count on the “double influence of Venus and the Sun in a friendly sign”, as the astrologer points out, to achieve great things. This is the time for him to develop his business and sniff out good deals. Venus, who also embodies the power of money and charm, helps him to convince and negotiate. The Sun offers him a dream opportunity to gain new momentum.

Signing a contract or discussions that turn in his favor. Sagittarius has everything to gain. The festivities don’t stop there since Pluto enters the race. Its passage in the financial sector of Sagittarius is a good omen. It is the promise of a nice check on the horizon, but be careful not to let yourself go. As we remember, with Pluto, it’s all or nothing. So if we want to avoid disaster, it’s better to stay focused. The astrologer warns: “This indicates that you must avoid excesses of reckless generosity while remaining generous with those close to you.” A surge of the heart yes, a round of drinks no!

Horoscope: This astrological sign will have a great week in terms of love

“It’s love at the beach,” even if we’ve decided to pack our bags and get back to our routine. This week, all the stars are aligning above Pisces ‘ heads to plunge them into a moment of sweetness. It starts with “Venus and Pluto forming a protective duo.” When the planet of love and that of change come together, anything becomes possible. Jean-Yves Espié explains: “The duo facilitates the impulses of the heart and the emergence of your deep aspirations.” Translation: it’s time for Pisces to dare to assert themselves and fully listen to their desires. Their desires come to the forefront, motivated by the simple idea of ​​having fun. The period becomes fluid, and so do relationships. Exchanges are made with an open heart. We love each other with all tenderness.

Magical, because it announces good times with family, friends, or as a couple. It is ideal to help Pisces with the harmony and balance that are so important to him. “If the first (Venus) brings you an exquisite delicacy, the second (Pluto) instills in you a lucidity necessary not to lose sight of your objectives.” This feeling of appeasement, happiness, and tranquility also has an impact on his professional life. He feels good where he is and he knows where he is going. “It is ideal to find a good balance.” Enough to announce a fall season that is milder than ever.

Horoscope: This astrological sign is the luckiest of the week

And if the stars are to be believed, everyone has come together to celebrate their talents. In the coming days, Libra is propelled to the status of “superstar of the cosmos.” Libra’s universe is tinged with a touch of luck and a lot of love. It must be said that the Sun (the star of light, strength, and energy) is arriving in their sky. “This announces a more fluid period in terms of relationships,” promises Jean-Yves Espié. At the same time, the beauty is taking advantage of the last bursts of Venus (her favorite planet) to live her passion to the fullest. On the heart front, everything is looking great. Libra could even feel particularly excited, if not in a hurry, to wrap everything up so she can be reunited with her loved ones or her crush.

If love seems to come to the forefront, she is nonetheless a great creative. So, if she does not skimp on the little attention to please everyone, she keeps a little energy to move forward in the future. “It’s the right time to launch a project or look for partners with whom to gather the right energies. What you undertake will move forward more quickly if you are motivated.” And because the best way to motivate yourself is still to feel loved and surrounded, Libra calls on people you trust to form a dream team. At work, as in her private life, it is on her close guard that she counts. The circle is complete. All that remains is to live on love and fresh water to expand her business. What a girl boss!

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