Zodiac Signs

The Arrival Of September Brings Luck To These Three Astrological Signs

The first week of September has some nice surprises in store for three astrological signs. Luck, love, and surprise. Here are all the predictions from astrologer Jean-Yves Espié.

Change of pace and almost of season. The school bells are about to ring while the last vacationers are packing their swimsuits in their suitcases. It’s almost time to celebrate the start of the school year and the reunion with routine. While such an observation could depress more than one, certain astrological signs are nevertheless carried by a saving momentum. No question of letting themselves go, the arrival of September allows them to make a fresh start. On the program? A whole bunch of festivities and beautiful surprises that will energize their daily lives. Between the outbursts of love and the tempting proposals at work, the three winners of the Cosmic Lottery of the week have everything to live beautiful and good times. We explain everything to you with the predictions of astrologer Jean-Yves Espié.

Horoscope: A major change is looming in the life of this astrological sign

Summer seems to have done him a world of good. Taurus, who was known to be particularly attached to his routine, has started working on himself. For several weeks, if not months, he has been letting himself go and daring everything. The planets are inviting him to shed his constraints and explore new avenues. The lesson seems to have been learned since the start of the school year and promises to be placed under the sign of the unknown. The astrologer prefers to warn: “A major change is looming in your life, which you will have to accept by adapting to it quickly.” Everything should be simpler for Taurus who has the support of the planets to help him stay on a clear course.

“With the Sun in an Earth sign, you have the vitality to move forward in leaps and bounds, with free rein.” Nothing can make Taurus waver. He who knows how to demonstrate common sense like no one else has every interest in keeping a free mind to be able to seize the opportunity. Now is the time or never to go for it, to dare and to try everything. The start of the school year allows him to reap the fruits of his efforts with, who knows, a nice bonus to boot. Jean-Yves Espié then advises him to “step up the pace to realize a long-standing plan.” The horned beast is about to make a turnaround and make a fresh start. That’s good because it’s the week when we stock up on school supplies. He should therefore not forget a brand new notebook to write a new chapter in his story.

Horoscope: Here is the luckiest sign for the last week of August

In the game of the fastest, Aries knows how to stand out. He who seemed to be on the starting blocks until now will finally be able to start his sprint. All the lights are green to see him climb the ladder at record speed. “You are approaching the start of the school year with very good assets to stand out,” promises Jean-Yves Espié. It must be said that the first sign of the zodiac seems protected by the stars. All the planets take turns at his bedside to help him realize his desires and projects.

First, there is Mars (action) which “generates a surge of motivation” by helping Aries to take initiative. More daring than ever, he combines enthusiasm and quick-wittedness to “get involved and act effectively”. We count on him to find solutions, to carry out a project, and to relaunch debates. At the same time, Jupiter, luck, invites him “to get out of your comfort zone”. If on the love side, this allows him to create surprises to break the routine, on the professional side, he establishes himself as a true leader. The start of the school year promises to be lively (in a good way) and above all to help him achieve as he wishes.

Horoscope: The love life of this astrological sign takes on new momentum in September

If in the life of some astrological signs, everything seems to speed up, for others on the contrary, we slow down. This is not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, this softer and more tender passage could be a golden opportunity to find peace. At least that is what Libra is calling for, which in the coming days benefits from the good influences sent to it by its lucky planet. “The arrival of Venus gives you a new boost in the relational and emotional sectors”, explains the astrologer. For the avenger of the zodiac, it will then be a question of reconnecting with her full powers. Sensuality, delicacy, and diplomacy. Libra feels perfectly fine. “Your talent for cultivating harmony, gentleness, and being heard by your interlocutors are astonishing”, even likes to point out Jean-Yves Espié.

If on the professional side, this can help her negotiate to her advantage, it is especially with others that she sees her life change little by little. “You will know how to show great tact, which will have the effect of making you more appreciated.” In a relationship, ties are tightened with a desire to share everything fully. But the big winners of the week are none other than single Libras for whom a beautiful encounter could be decisive. “The charming effects of Venus strengthen your power of seduction until the 23rd. It is exercised successfully on someone you like and vice versa,” we could read in her back-to-school horoscope. No need to look any further: the adventure begins now for our Libra in search of happiness!

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