Zodiac Signs

The End Of August Looks Set To Be Difficult For These Two Astrological Signs

Some annoyances and impatience are felt for this duo of zodiac signs. Here are the least fortunate of the week from August 22 to 29, 2024 according to the Jean-Yves Espié horoscope.

Maybe they can already smell the odor of notebook covers and wet umbrellas? In any case, these two astrological signs are not fans of this cosmic pre-back-to-school season. Or rather, it’s this last week of August that doesn’t hold them dear. Despite a back-to-school season that promises to be soothing (bye-bye Mercury retrograde), they are experiencing a bit of a lull. It must be said that the favorites have already been named for this week and that, like in the ABBA song, “The Winner Takes All.” But don’t worry, Jean-Yves Espié advises the last few in this week’s ranking.

Horoscope for the end of August: beware of impatience for this sign

This is what happens when you have too much energy: you no longer know where to direct it. Since May and for two more years, the sign of Gemini has been carried by the presence of Jupiter (the planet of luck) which gives it momentum. But a little time to adapt will be necessary to channel this enthusiasm and find a project where you can put this tremendous motivation. Especially since the planet of action has also gotten involved. “Active Mars gives you sustained energy, which you must exploit by seizing the opportunities that arise,” analyzes the astrologer. “The planet of action pushes you to impatience, but helps you to move forward quickly and well in your projects.” For Gemini who likes things to go quickly, be careful not to get carried away too quickly and to keep your feet on the ground. There is still little time left for the dual sign to benefit from the boost from Mars in its sector, so you might as well take advantage of it to act, intelligently! Gemini can rest assured, that these setbacks will only last a week. Spoiler: he will even be one of the lucky ones at the start of the school year. Lucky guy.

Horoscope: This sign must remain focused for the end of August

We grant you, that concentration has never been his strong point. But all the more reason to try it and take advantage of the studious Virgo season to evolve. Because the sign of Pisces may do what it can, at the end of August, it is losing momentum. A little temporary fatigue, but which risks causing hiccups in its daily life. The Sun is in its opposite constellation (Virgo) and it is a challenge for Pisces. It is better to take it as an opportunity to get back on track. “Rely on the start of the school year to make the right decisions, but avoid spreading yourself too thin,” rightly advises Jean-Yves Espié. Fortunately, other stars are on his side. “The converging influences of Uranus and Neptune bring you creativity and intuition.” Pisces can count on his unique ideas and sensitivity to find surprising solutions, especially at work. However, you will have to prioritize so as not to exhaust yourself, because “Saturn invites you to only keep projects that have every chance of being realized quickly.” Courage, everything should be back in order by September 5!

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