Zodiac Signs

The houseplant that suits you, according to your zodiac sign

If you’ve been thinking it’s time to have a few more plants around the house, now you can make sure you get one that fits your personality like a glove.

Cancer – Cactus

You are so sensitive that even the smallest bad news can upset you for days. The cactus will teach you to strengthen yourself and properly defend yourself from negative energy.

Leo – Bird of Paradise

Like you, this perennial plant is chic, not at all subtle and attracts attention from meters away. Place it in your favorite relaxation area and let it pamper you.

Virgo – English ivy

A practical nature, you are constantly concerned with bringing improvements to the space you live in, but also to your health. English ivy, which was named by NASA “the best air filtering plant” suits you perfectly.

Libra – The lily of peace

This elegant plant is known for its ability to expel those toxic gases from the house, such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. In other words, he’s a master at achieving balance, just like you.

Scorpio – Lavender

The next time you become the Queen of Darkness, smell a little lavender to calm you down. This plant is known for inducing relaxation, calming the nerves and giving you inner peace.

Sagittarius – Jade

It has a bohemian vibe like you, and it’s very easy to care for, so it won’t despair when you’re away on one of your many self-discovery trips. She likes to be left alone, something you have in common.

Capricorn – Basil

You are always stressed with new projects, you always have a goal in mind. Aromatic basil will teach you to calm down and enjoy the moments when you do nothing (its leaves have a chemical compound called linalool, which reduces stress).

Aquarius – Jasmine

You have a weakness for things out of the ordinary. The jasmine plant suits you best, because it has an exotic and sensual aroma that stimulates your imagination. In addition, its flowers are among the most charming.

Pisces – Orchids

You are a dreamer who needs to be surrounded by beauty. The orchid has a unique beauty, it is elegant and feminine and will inspire you every day. Just be careful not to kill her this time, okay?

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