Zodiac Signs

The reason why he will cheat on you depends on his zodiac sign

Cheating is one of the most damaging things someone can do in a relationship.While some people can get over infidelity, others won’t or will never be willing to. But why would anyone cheat?

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Contentment, comfort and routine can be terrifying to an Aries. He doesn’t want to cap himself, he likes to be impulsive and keep things alive.

An Aries may cheat as a way to stir up the atmosphere in their relationship.

He’s not doing it because he’s not happy or doesn’t care about his partner, he’s just enjoying the illicit thrill of infidelity. When Aries cheats, he gets rid of monotony and again feels that he is not bored anymore, and this is worth all the risk for him.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

If a Taurus has been cheated on, they will cheat to get even. He becomes extremely jealous, possessive, and if he thinks his partner is unfaithful, then it seems right to him to cheat.

His infidelity is more about pride and self-confidence and is a behavioral compromise for him.

It takes a lot for Taurus to trust someone and they constantly expect to be disappointed, so they may cheat just because they think their partner does or can do it. 

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

It’s not that the Gemini man doesn’t take his relationship seriously, but the concept of total commitment scares him. When he cheats, he usually does it out of fear. He fears that he will stop evolving as a person, that he will get bored or that he is not with the right person.

This native may also cheat because deep down he is afraid that if he is faithful, he will end up heartbroken and alone.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

If a Cancer cheats on his partner, he probably feels alienated from her, as if she doesn’t care about him. Cancer cheats to hook up with someone in hopes of finding a deeper connection.

He may mislead as a purely emotional reaction because he feels hurt, angry, or confused. Maybe it’s not the best way to clear up and find peace, but he thinks at that moment it’s helping him. 

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Leo wants to be the star, especially in his relationship, and if he doesn’t get the attention he needs, he’ll go elsewhere to look for it. Sometimes Leo cheats because he’s scared of getting old or worried about his physical appearance. Basically, he no longer trusts that he is attractive and wants to seek confirmation.

This may seem superficial, but Leo invests a lot in looking good. Infidelity makes him feel like he still has something to offer.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

The Virgo man will cheat when both he and his partner no longer have time for each other, when they barely see each other and talk. Where there is distance, lack of communication and physical contact, infidelity can take root and grow.

This native tends to over think and over analyze things, so if his partner is never there for him, his mind can create all kinds of scenarios like she is unfaithful or has lost interest in the relationship. The Virgo man will feel like the last man standing if, after cheating, he finds out that his partner was just busy, not unfaithful. 

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The Libra man can get involved in a serious relationship without thinking enough ahead. So, instead of getting closer to his partner, he becomes restless. This native does not want to hurt his partner, so he keeps his feelings to himself and acts in other ways, such as cheating.

He will lie to himself that no one will be hurt if he is unfaithful. He will have a little fun and his partner will never have to know that he is not completely satisfied with the relationship.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

It’s hard to find a more passionate man than Scorpio. Not only does he feel things to the max, but he also likes his partner to have the same ability as him.

If the Scorpio feels that something is missing from their relationship, such as sexual chemistry, carnal desire, or a spirit of sexual adventure, they will look for it elsewhere. 

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is not a big fan of serious relationships and lifelong commitment. They prefer casual relationships and one-night stands, where both parties express their sexuality in any way they want.

However, not all Sagittarians are in an open relationship.

If Sagittarius feels trapped or suffocated, they may lie and justify themselves by saying that they were just on a journey of self-discovery, trying to reconnect with lost parts of themselves. That might be true, but it’s also true that they only cheat for the adventure and thrill of cheating. 

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn is not a fan of infidelity and will certainly feel terrible if caught. But if a Capricorn feels trapped in their relationship (they own a family business together or have children) and feels like there’s no way out, they might cheat.

For him, infidelity is just a way to take a break from all his responsibilities and feel free for a while. Sometimes, being an adult is hard enough, and infidelity is his refuge to ease the situation. 

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius can’t bear to feel suffocated, as if there is no more room to breathe. He will cheat if he feels the need for space and freedom.

Aquarius will be unfaithful when he goes on a trip alone and meets someone. He might do things with a stranger that he wouldn’t normally do with his partner, so infidelity gives him permission to get as weird as he likes.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Most Pisces don’t set out to cheat, that’s not their purpose in life. For many of them, infidelity was truly unexpected, almost an accident.

If the Pisces man has been drinking too much, for example, he will be easy to seduce, even if he clearly loves his partner.

Some Pisces can be easily manipulated and naive, they may not even realize that someone is trying to seduce them until it’s already too late. They will also cheat if they truly fall in love with someone else, a person they are actually meant to be with. 

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