Zodiac Signs

The reason you can’t break up with him depends on your zodiac sign

Maybe you’re not sure why you can’t break up with him, you just know that you’re not ready to do it yet. The horoscope can save you from this confusion!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

You won’t be ready to break up with him until you clear some things up.

You won’t deny that the relationship is on the rocks, but you also won’t let your partner go without talking first. Don’t get mad though! The discussion could degenerate, so be prepared to end it when you feel it’s heading that way. And if the problem can be solved by joining forces, so much the better. But, don’t break up until you’ve said what you need to say and heard what your partner has to say as well.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

You can’t break up with him because you’ve invested too much time and effort into this relationship.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for three months or three years, you don’t give up that easily. You can cry all night or fight, but for you, it’s better that way than being alone. You know that relationships can’t be perfect, but a breakup is not going to happen as long as you still have a lot to offer.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

You don’t get close to people and you don’t create deep bonds with anyone, but with him you do!

How can you throw away a connection like that when you know it happens so rarely? You’re one of those people who’s looking for their twin, and when you think you’ve found them, you won’t rush to break up without fighting to save something first.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

It takes a long time for you to feel comfortable around someone and show your vulnerable side.

But once it happens, it’s forever. Don’t rush to end a relationship if you still feel a deep emotional connection with your partner. There are times when you realize the relationship is over, but when you find yourself thinking about him and worrying about him, you know it’s not over at all

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

When you love, you love with pathos. Whether you’re showing your passion in the bedroom or a fight, you make it all seem important.

Love is part of you and it’s hard for you to give it up too easily. You like to think you’re pretty smart when it comes to choosing what’s best for you, and you’re not one to make impulsive decisions. If you’re hesitating, it means you don’t know what you want yet.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

You’re not the type of person to stay in a relationship if you’re unhappy.

You’d rather break up than stay with someone you’re not sure about. But the thought of breaking up with him unsettles you, not frees you. You’re not ready to break up with him if you still see a future with him. If you’re thinking about your next vacation or what your life will be like a year from now, it’s not time yet!

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

One of your biggest nightmares is finding yourself in a boring relationship.

You’re trying to keep the romance alive, but it’s not just about that or just you. The thing that scares you more than a monotonous relationship, however, is losing someone you care about, even if things aren’t great between you at the moment. You’re not alone in thinking that breaking up is what needs to happen because you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you’re together.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

You love deeply, and when you’re in a relationship with someone, you’re involved.

Breaking up impulsively, without properly analyzing the whole situation, is not something that characterizes you. The reason you can’t break up with him so easily is that he has seen the most vulnerable parts of you. The mere thought of having to do it again with someone else and find someone who accepts you for who you are terrifies you.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

You can’t break up with him since you feel like you’ve found everything you could ever want in a person.

Independence, humor, a deep connection, you enjoy it all. You’re worried that you won’t find someone who can give you all that, so you’re not sure you can give it up!

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

You don’t fall in love easily and you’re looking for the person you can see yourself with for the rest of your life.

The person you’re currently with might be that person, so breaking up isn’t an option just yet. You are not ready to break up because your relationship is an investment. Good or bad, you get 100% into it.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Even if the situation in your relationship isn’t great right now, you’re still not ready to give up hope.

The reason you can’t is that he’s your best friend. Not only would breaking up mean losing his love, but also his friendship.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Your ideal partner is the one who understands and appreciates you for exactly who you are.

Of course, as a hopeless romantic, you feel like you’ve found what you’ve been looking for in almost everyone you’ve dated. You don’t like to give up on people, even when things are going badly. The reason you’re not ready to call it quits is that he’s capable of loving that part of you that you’re still learning to love.

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