Zodiac Signs

The Worst And Best Partners (Based On Their Zodiac Signs) 2022

12. Virgo

Virgos are very neat and methodical in everything they do, so they strive for a relationship that is as perfect as possible.

By doing so, they drive their partner crazy.

They will dictate their partner’s clothing style and demand that they be as clean and tidy as possible around them.

Someone who does not share this opinion will not be able to cope well with a maiden.

Her biggest downfall is her insecurity. In her quest for perfection, she has become her toughest critic herself.

Everything she is and is not good enough in her eyes.

This way of thinking has influenced her self-esteem in such a way that she seeks from her partner constant affirmation and approval, which over time can become very intrusive.

Because of this, virgins tend to be jealous.

They want to know each step of their partner, every second they spend separately, and that really is not something that can hold two people together.

11. Scorpio

To be able to date a Scorpio woman, you really need to get to know her on a deeper level.

Their cold appearance hides a soft heart and at first glance, they can seem a little intimidating.

It is in their nature to try to control everything around them, including the course of their relationship.

They know that this is their biggest mistake, but sometimes they can not do anything about it.

They set the bar high and do not lower their expectations when looking for someone they want to relate to.

A man needs to improve his playing tactics to score with a scorpion, as they are not content with mediocre stakes.

They are brutally honest, which is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Not everyone can handle brutal honesty.

That’s why a Scorpion woman needs someone to greet that honesty, no matter how hard she may be.

10. Aries

Patience is not something that a ram woman possesses. She wants everything and she wants it now and there is no time to lose.

Therefore, their relationship is progressing very fast.

She feels like she has control and the last word in everything.

She is very dominant, so she needs someone who is her total opposite in order to sustain the relationship.

9. Taurus

A bull woman is the epitome of a strong, independent woman, so much so that she almost never turns to a man to ask for help or anything else that makes men feel pretty useless.

A bull woman likes to build things slowly so as not to fall into anything.

They do not value men who take them for granted or try to play games with them – they immediately shake them off.

She needs a man who calls first and sends messages and really tries to be with her.

She will reciprocate efforts with effort, and cold with cold. She will not run after anyone.

She has a big heart but always follows her mind and intuition. That’s why nobody can mess with her.

8. Cancer

A cancer woman is the most sensitive woman of all zodiac signs. She has an enormously soft heart that makes her see everyone.

She does not hide her feelings and she does everything quite clearly.

When she’s inside, she’s in it. For someone who is important to her, she will do her best.

It will go beyond sih so that he feels loved.

The bad thing is that she can exaggerate everything and neglect herself if she loves someone else.

This reduces her self-confidence and she becomes dependent on the person she is with.

She is so afraid of losing the person she is with, that she will suffocate those with exaggerated expressions of love, or in some cases jealousy.

A cancer woman can be the best and worst friend of all time, depending on her ability to control her emotions and not blow her up right away.

7. Leo

She exudes self-confidence and charisma.

She is looking for someone with a personality as strong as her, otherwise, they can not exist side by side.

She does not like being served on a tray, so she does not mind being persecuted or persecuted herself.

The bad thing about her is that she is constantly picking the wrong men.

Players who are full of self-confidence and charm are their first choice.

She then feels as if she can handle the game or turn things around so that she plays in her own way. But that never works.

Lion women are not the worst friends, they are pretty good, but they have bad decision-making skills.

They usually run after men who in a relationship prefer casualness rather than commitment.

6. Aquarius

An Aquarian woman is a combination of impulsivity, intelligence, and independence.

She values ​​her freedom, so she prefers a relationship in which she is loved in such a way that she feels free.

She despises boredom and she needs a partner who is a bit more dynamic and energetic.

She needs to be happy in her relationship, and she needs someone who fits her intelligence.

Above all, she thinks everything over, so she notices things nobody else would notice about herself or other people.

Therefore, her partner will feel that he can not meet her expectations while she will have the same problem with herself.

She will feel constantly as if she could do something better, act better and get better.

She needs a partner who stands by her and increases her self-esteem a little until she realizes that she is more than enough good and that she has to work to restore her self-confidence.

5. Gemini

A twin woman has two sides – one that is bright and open-minded, and the other, which is a little more withdrawn and darker.

She will put more emphasis on her bright side in a relationship, but she will stay with the man who also accepts her darkness.

That’s why she’s the most tolerant friend you can have.

She never condemns or looks down on her partner; She tries her best to understand him and help him as best she can.

She appreciates loyalty over everything, so once she leaves someone, she will never give him the opportunity to do it again.

4. Capricorn

An ibex woman is very dominant, both in life and in a relationship.

She always does her best when she’s in a relationship, so she’s expecting someone capable of all that.

For them, the basis of everything is reciprocity.

She needs random gestures of affection, a listening ear, and the love and support she gives herself, or else rather nothing. Halfway love is not for her.

What is remarkable about her is that she is loyal to the bone and will always defend the one who matters to her, even when he is not there to hear it.

3. Libra

Scales like balance. They do not like reaching extremes in a relationship.

They do not like things to change quickly, and they avoid conflict at all costs. Unfortunately, avoiding conflicts is not always good.

They sweep things under the carpet instead of dealing with them or talking openly about them.

They keep things dammed up until they burst and then it’s already too late.

They are charming and charismatic, they like to socialize and they will involve the person they are within the better part of their lives.

Unconsciously they put themselves in the limelight and that can easily provoke jealousy with their partner.

However, they get rid of a jealous partner early because they do not like to be held down or controlled.

They need a partner who lets them be free, and they themselves.

They are sweet, friendly, supportive and loving.

The well-being of their partner is more important to them than their own, which is not always good for them.

2. Sagittarius

The only rival a Sagittarius woman has is herself. She will be her own lowest critic and judge.

Anyway, for this one special person, she will be the opposite.

She will cheer her up every step of the way and make her believe in herself.

She will always think first and put aside her needs to the one she is with, which is not a good thing for her.

She will always try to look at things from another side and not jump to conclusions, so conflicts in the relationship, thanks to her, will be successfully resolved.

She is very passionate, especially with her lover.

Boredom is a word that can in no way be associated with a Sagittarius woman.

1. Pisces

A Pisces woman needs someone who takes the first step and extra effort to get to her guarded heart.

They are naturally shy, so they need someone who does not persecute them.

At least at the beginning. They will open up and eventually give up their cover.

As soon as they do that, the one they are with will realize he has found a true treasure.

A fish woman is both your best friend and the best lover and therefore a perfect “girlfriend material”.

She is someone to trust and cuddle into the night.

She will keep secrets and be a rock for the person she is with. She is strong and supportive.

She is a true guardian.

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