Zodiac Signs

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Most Compatible With Scorpio

The advantage of their character is that with them, compatibilities are quick: it’s hit or miss. Here are the three astrological signs that “match” best with Scorpio.

All or nothing, that’s Scorpio’s motto and his way of looking at relationships. Either he silently despises you, or he adores you. Sometimes, silently too. His reputation precedes him, to the point that some natives of the sign hesitate to reveal their zodiac team at first. Why? They are said to be distant, secretive, and even manipulative. A showcase that has the merit of sorting things out quickly and discouraging most people. Only the brave remain who hang on until they know the loyal and empathetic temperament of Scorpio.

Who does Scorpio get along best with?

This Water sign tends to only reveal itself if the relationship is worth it. And this, whether it is love or friendship. A faithful and total vision of the bonds with others that brings it closer to the sign of Cancer. This other Water sign resembles Scorpio for its deep sensitivity, its fierce way of defending its loved ones, and the intensity with which it loves. Homebodies, two are the type to create a bubble far from the world. To live happily, they live hidden. The gentle and soothing character of Cancer is ideal for reassuring Scorpio and its anxieties, while the latter will never judge the great emotionality of the cosmic crab.

But another sign also gets along very well with Scorpio: Virgo. Much more down to earth, she shares his curiosity, discretion, and loyalty. They like to dissect things, are interested in almost everything, and have a taste for research. They just need to have a hobby in common, and it can be love at first sight. Especially since Virgo and Scorpio are constantly looking to improve themselves and will put this same quality into practice in their relationship, aiming for a stronger bond every day. A “power couple” or we don’t know anything about it. And yet, there is an astrological sign even more compatible with Scorpio.

Here is the astrological sign most compatible with Scorpio

Between them, it usually clicks right away. And for a long time. In astrology, one of the most obvious compatibilities is that of Scorpio and Pisces. Two Water signs that function mainly on emotions, guided by instinct. In these two signs like no other, we seek the absolute, the eternal: a love that transcends everything else. Their relationship is fusional, almost spiritual. For Chris Semet in “The Guide to the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac”: “This symbiosis allows them to live their story in an extremely intense way. However, their union is so strong that sometimes it can become a source of suffering.” For the astrologer, this strong couple must be careful to set healthy barriers, because they can give “the best as well as the worst”. But if all goes well, Scorpio and Pisces form an unwavering pair where listening and total acceptance of the other take precedence over everything else. And sometimes, they even make ex-models like Bruce Willis (Pisces) and Demi Moore (Scorpio), who remained close and united even after each moved on with their lives. We told you, they are a fusion.

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