Zodiac Signs

These 3 Zodiac Signs Don’t Want A Serious Relationship

Some people prefer not to commit and prefer a more free relationship model. These star signs are among them.

Most of us have probably met someone who just wasn’t interested in a committed relationship. No matter how hard you tried, that person just didn’t fall in love. That can be really painful and heartbreaking.

But no matter how bad the situation may be for the person in love, some people simply don’t want to commit to a permanent relationship. They want to explore all options and not let anything or anyone limit them.

However, these people also find it difficult to communicate everything. They butter you up and make you believe that you will get together sooner or later. But as soon as it gets too much for them, they pull away.

To ensure that you don’t fall for such a person, we’ll tell you which 3-star signs tend to prefer an affair to a steady relationship.

Disclaimer: Please don’t take the selection of star signs too seriously. Ultimately, every person is an individual and you can’t label them just based on their star sign.

Place #1: Gemini

The fact that Gemini tops the list of zodiac signs that only want an affair probably comes as no surprise to most people. This zodiac sign is known for being incredibly freedom-loving. That is why it is difficult for them to commit to one person. Gemini hates boredom and monotony. That is why they can quickly lose interest in their partner and see him or her as more of an affair than true love.

But Gemini can still fall in love. Head over heels, if it is the right person. They enjoy spending time with their partner, but they don’t like to think about what will happen in a few years. When they hear the word “forever,” a cold shiver runs down their spine. They live in the here and now.

Geminis need a partner who is confident, quick-witted, and adventurous. The person at their side should also be very relaxed because Geminis love to flirt. Anyone who complains about this is constraining Gemini.

Place #2: Leo

Leos are incredibly strong personalities. They like to be the center of attention and crave recognition and attention. You could almost say that people with the Leo zodiac sign are addicted to validation. And they get it.

A partner who takes them for granted at some point? No thanks! Leos would rather have people around them who shower them with compliments. And that is usually the case in new “relationships” and with new partners. Instead of getting stuck in a relationship where everything seems monotonous, Leos prefers to have casual affairs. After all, this way they get new validation over and over again.

Another problem: Leos get bored quickly. If something no longer seems exciting enough to them, they lose interest and look for the next partner. Leos always seem enthusiastic and passionate, but if you want a steady relationship with them, you should be careful that they don’t drop you at some point.

Place #3: Sagittarius

Just like Gemini, Sagittarius is also very freedom-loving. Sagittarius loves to explore the big, wide world. They are independent, curious, and always looking for something “new”. Sagittarius loves to meet new people. His freedom is more important to him than anything else.

Sagittarius quickly gets bored with one person at his side. So if you date a Sagittarius, don’t be surprised if he tells you at the end that he doesn’t want a steady relationship. The thought of committing to one person intimidates him. You should therefore always let him have a long leash. Only then is there a chance that Sagittarius will stay with you for a longer period?

Sagittarius also likes to look for companions who are subordinate to him. They like to be in charge and prefer to set the pace themselves. A strong person at their side who has a mind of their own and also needs a lot of attention – that could be very difficult for Sagittarius.

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