Zodiac Signs

These 5 Zodiac Signs Will Enjoy The Most Favorable Horoscopes From September 16th To 22nd

This week, from September 16 to 22, 2024, some zodiac signs will be particularly well-off in terms of their horoscope. The week starts on a dynamic note with a partial full moon lunar eclipse on September 17 and 18, bringing strong energy fluctuations. It is recommended not to perform manifestation rituals during this eclipse, as it can bring about unforeseen events in addition to what you desire.

The weekend will also be significant, with the Sun entering Libra on September 22, marking the beginning of the Libra season. On the same day, Venus will enter Scorpio, and the combination of Libra and Scorpio energies promises fascinating results, especially in the realm of love and interpersonal relationships.

It’s also the first day of fall in the northern hemisphere, a perfect time to celebrate the change of seasons!

Here are the five zodiac signs that will benefit from the best horoscopes this week.

1. Aries

Aries, this week’s energy is very poignant for you. Set your sights on what you truly want and it will be yours. The cosmic forces are strongly supporting you at this time. The first half of the week, in particular, will be a time of success, big breakthroughs, milestones checked off your list, and more.

The second half invites you to create a counterbalance by leaning more towards love and companionship with your loved ones. Whether romantic or platonic, let quality time be the guiding principle here. Only extraordinary experiences await you if you do!

2. Leo

Leo, this week’s energy for you is about knowing your heart and making the most of your talents without self-sabotaging or being afraid to hold yourself back. Each day, new bricks will be added to the grand goal you wish to conquer or build.

The second half of the week warns you against complacency or letting naysayers or critics talk you out of your path. Not everyone will understand what you are trying to create or build. But as long as you have a strong resonance with this path in your soul, you will know that it is the right one for you. The cosmic forces have your back!

3. Virgo

Virgo, this week’s energy for you is all about maintaining the right balance between your head and your heart. If you can do this, especially in the first half of the week, you’ll find your blessings in the most unexpected places. For some, this will also involve being alert to warning signs in your environment and sometimes even within yourself that may be hindering your growth.

The second half of the week will depend on the actions taken during the first half. So, if everything goes well, you will find ample opportunities here to engage with your loved ones and also do more for your personal goals. Continue to maintain the right balance between your head and heart and the positivity will carry over into the next week as well.

4. Sagittarius

Sagittarius, this week’s energy for you is bold and beautiful. The first half invites you to act with love and compassion wherever you can and to look at the bigger picture when reaching out to the world and thinking about your dreams. Journaling can help with the latter.

The second half will be stranger for you. Your fears will suddenly come to the surface and ask you to engage with them. Suppressing them, however, will be counterproductive. Instead, be brave and engage with them directly. You will unlock hidden blessings on this path.

5. Pisces

Pisces, the energy of this week for you is full of joy and pleasure! Lean into this and you will attract only the best experiences to yourself. The first half of the week will be almost festive, even if you don’t know how it will happen. Prepare to be surprised in the best possible way when you reach important milestones.

The second half of the week is on hold for now. You can write your own destiny and make it a masterpiece. So, be intentional about what you truly want so you can bring your wishes to life and connect to joy!

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