Zodiac Signs

These Four Astrological Signs Hate Routine

With them, things have to move. And fast. Keeping habits (good or bad) is not their thing. Here are the zodiac signs that can’t stand routine.

In “routine” they mostly read “road” and imposed path to follow. And they are looking for the first exit, thank you. Don’t even try to impose a program or a daily framework to respect them, it gives them the blues and pimples at the same time. Unlike Virgo who elevates routine to an art of living and Taurus who did not even agree to answer our questions because he had yoga at 5:17 p.m., these signs prefer the unexpected. And since it takes all sorts to make a zodiac, we present them to you.


These two are not fiercely opposed to the concept. The problem lies elsewhere: they can’t keep the routines they would like to have. So often, they give up. Aries and Gemini have only one habit, which is to break said habits. Not necessarily voluntarily. Aries, the first of the Fire signs, has a hot-headed and spontaneous temperament. He acts in the moment, sometimes without thinking too much. By following his gut, guided by his instinct, he often forgets that he had planned to start yoga every morning.

For Gemini, it’s another story. Linked to the cerebral Mercury, the sign gets bored quickly. It lives in a permanent thirst for information, things to do and people to see. Nothing stimulates it more than the dose of dopamine that novelty provides. As a result, routine rarely motivates it and it forgets its daily “check-list” half the time because it has more interesting things to do.


Where Aries and Gemini envy people who have well-oiled lifestyle habits, this is far from being the case for Sagittarius and Aquarius. These two would not commit to a small, regulated life for anything in the world. As a worthy emissary of Jupiter, the star of expansion (and excess), Sagittarius has an insatiable thirst for freedom. The slightest constraint suffocates him. As soon as he has a precise schedule and an obligation, he flees from it, feeling oppressed. Having even a portion of his daily life regulated like clockwork gives him the feeling of losing his independence.

The sign of Aquarius, on the other hand, has another feeling towards the idea of ​​routine: it is wary of it. Uranus, the star of rebels and visionaries, gives its designated sign a slightly defiant side. Aquarius does not trust habits and traditions that tend to be formed without us thinking about them. And that is the problem for him. He is afraid of finding himself a prisoner of a routine and therefore forgetting to question it, criticize it, or improve it. For a sign as creative as Aquarius, locking oneself into habits is closing the door to innovation. The sign with the amphora is there to remind us to remain vigilant, ready for change, and flexible of mind.

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