Zodiac Signs

These Four Astrological Signs Never Forget Anything

They remember a phrase, a face, or a betrayal forever. We advise you to be wary of these zodiac signs who have the best memory.

“Not enough storage space” is the notification their hard drive will never send them. These four signs have an impressive collection of memories. You can trust them to never forget your birthday, that food you hate, or that time you were wrong. Pisces is of course not on this list, as the worst sign to tell a secret to: they either forget it, or they remember it but can’t remember that it was confidential. With this quartet, you can be sure: that no confidence will be forgotten. Not that, not the money you owe them (to the comma), not the number of times you haven’t answered their text.


This overly loyal Earth sign tends to cling to things and people, sometimes at its own expense. But once the lesson is learned, it won’t be taught again. We’re talking about Taurus, one of the slowest but most resentful signs of the zodiac. If it records the small and large offenses that have been done to it, it’s to save time in the future. Because, for this pragmatic sign with big shoes, nothing is more precious than its time and energy. You can make it waste both once, not for a second. No, Taurus doesn’t want to see you again. If you don’t remember what you did to it, that’s your problem. Yes, it holds a grudge against you. Yes, it intends to give its attention to people who deserve it, in the future. Besides, if you want its opinion, forgiving is at best a nameless stupidity and, at worst a worrying sign of early dementia.


Cancer has learned the hard way: not everyone seems to have a dedicated storage space in their brain for arguments. It’s because they’re tired of being told “Not only do I not remember saying that, but I can’t possibly remember it word for word” that they’ve started hoarding evidence. Some people take screenshots of IM conversations, Cancers print them out and stick them in a notebook, just in case. And we’re hardly exaggerating: it’s astrologically known that Cancers have the memory of an elephant. This is due to the very symbolism of the sign, linked to the element Water: Water represents emotions and memory. Trust us, you don’t want to receive one of Cancer’s “grudge scrapbooks” in the mail.


She remembers with great detail and precision the “Lion King” sweatshirt and the blond bob that her second-year kindergarten classmate Nolwenn was wearing when the latter intentionally stepped on her sandcastle. She also vividly recalls the pain of seeing her work destroyed through pure malice. And as a good Water sign who is a bit emo on the edges, there is one thing that a Scorpio is incapable of forgetting: each of her negative emotions. After all, how could she find the culprits and give them the appropriate punishment without her almost supernatural memory? You may have forgotten the offense done to a Scorpio, but know that they remember it. If you suddenly find yourself subscribed to half a dozen newsletters on colonoscopies, have no doubt, you have one day wronged a Scorpio. Bonus: they love to collect other people’s confidences in their cellar of secrets. They will be delicious to use once they are ripe.


This member of the zodiac never forgets either, but he also has his little specialty: money. With him, a penny is a penny and good accounts make good friends. Needless to say, for this sign which is one of the stingiest of the zodiacs: bad accounts can end in a conventional breakup of friendship. We are of course talking about Capricorn who would rather die poisoned than throw away an adulterated food or wear the same threadbare sweater at the risk of freezing. He knows perfectly well where he bought each item he owns and at what price: it must be said that part of his schedule is dedicated to managing his savings and collecting discount coupons. “Five cents is still five cents,” your Capricorn friend tells you as she adds said cents to her “future house to bequeath to my ancestors” fund. So no, they never forget a loan or a debt. You may not know this, but you owe them €23.47 since last year and they plan to send you the bill for Christmas (their birthday). And of course, they stopped lending their books since first grade.

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