Zodiac Signs

These Three Zodiac Signs Are The Best Dressed

What if fashion sense could be read in the stars? The entire zodiac envies the fashion sense of these most elegant zodiac signs. Cosmic parade.

Still, doubting a potential link between fashion and astrology? Know that each sign has its style. When it comes to fabrics, everyone has their preferences. Some will always favor the practical over the chic (hello Virgo ), those who are addicted to shopping (we see you, Sagittarius), and those who prefer to own as few clothes as possible (hello Capricorn). But among them, only three won the prize for the best dressed. Whether they are always flamboyant, on-trend, or effortlessly elegant, we present to you the “fashion team” of the zodiac.

When it comes to fashion, this astrological sign focuses on quality.

Their inner monologue? “Because I’m worth it.” The sign of the Ox is certainly materialistic, but it is also associated in astrology with our body and therefore our senses. Taurus therefore likes to show off their body while wearing quality materials. If it fits well but is neither soft nor comfortable: it’s a no. Note that like other earth signs, Taurus sees things in the long term. This is why each luxury garment is seen as an investment.

Their style: Timeless and materials that stand the test of time, but also anything that doesn’t need to be ironed and neutral colors that are easy to match. Let’s be clear, Taurus hates wasted effort.

This astrological sign dresses to shine.

For zodiac felines, sobriety is out, they are there to be seen. The sign linked in astrology to the sun has a goal when it leaves its home: to impress the neighbors. Aware that our image plays a crucial role in the smallest power games, the sovereign of the zodiac knows that to inspire the respect he deserves, he must adorn himself. The saying “dress for the job you want, not the one you have” could have been written by Leo. But their childish and playful side also finds an outlet in the play of colors, shapes, and patterns. For them, fashion is certainly political, but it is also a game.

Their style: sets, suits and tailoring. They are also fans of everything that shines: gold, glitter, and sequins. Of course, they accessorize everything with a slew of jewelry.

This is the most “fashion victim” astrological sign.

It’s impossible to talk about fashion without mentioning the sign of the arts (and appearances) that is Libra. A favorite of the planet Venus, Libra inherits from the hottest of planets its love of flirting. Do you have the impression that it is always dressed as if to go on a date? It is intentional. An air sign, Libra is probably the one that is most influenced by fashions and trends. Flexible as anyone, Libra knows above all how to adapt its style to each occasion, place, or group of friends.

Their style: harmony and elegance in all circumstances. As good Venusians, they like soft and pastel tones as well as flowing materials that highlight their curves. Their motto? Life without a handbag is not worth living.

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