Zodiac Signs

These Three Zodiac Signs Are The Most Emotional

They are the hypersensitive ones of the group, the “tearful” guarantee of the zodiac. We present to you the three astrological signs that never go out without a handkerchief.

Yes, they may like their coffee black and bitter, but we assure you, they still buy their waterproof mascara. Don’t be fooled by the tough guys who are part of these three zodiac signs. In astrology, these signs are said to combine great empathy, intense receptivity, and torrents of inner emotion. In the industry, they’re called “tearful.” The last time they rewatched “ET the Extra-Terrestrial,” it was their 8- and 10-year-old nephews who had to comfort them. While all zodiac signs have hearts and emotional worlds, this trio is particularly known for their extreme sensitivity. And their impressive budget is for decongestant eye patches.

This astrological sign is hypersensitive.

With Cancers, a sign (one morning) or even a spark will not necessarily be enough: a single drop too many will do the trick. Like the little soft being protected by its shell, the sign of Cancer contains its emotions until they overflow. Needless to say, the vase is already almost full since their birth, and the natives of the cosmic crab have not finished crying. But their hyper-sensitive mollusk grenadine heart is not the only one responsible. There is an astrological explanation, whether you believe it or not, whether it interests you or not. Each sign of the zodiac is the little protégé of a star in our solar system and Cancer has inherited the Moon. Since this worthy representative of anonymous emotional beings is the closest to Earth, it symbolizes everything intimate to us: family, memory, imagination, creativity, and… Yes, our emotions, too. Also, the Moon is associated with caring for others, and to care for someone, you better have empathy. Cancerians have it in spades and fall in love with just about anyone (or anything). Yes, we know you talk to your plants and name your clothes. But like Mike Brant, that’s how we love you.

Emotions: This astrological sign hides its game well

Many people don’t know it, but the Halloween astrological sign is not just a dark, teenage goth soul. Under their apparent phlegm, Scorpios hide a latent hypersensitivity. At least, according to astrology. It would even be the sign par excellence of the intensity of emotions. Why? The spicy sign has the unique particularity in the zodiac of not being just a Water sign, but an element of the inner world, emotions, intuitiveness, empathy, and imagination. This is its official element, but for centuries, Scorpio was considered by astrologers of the time as a fiery and passionate Fire sign. The reason is simple. Today, the eighth sign of the zodiac is associated with the magnetic, mysterious, and powerful dwarf planet: Pluto. But this was only discovered in 1930 and before that date, the sign of Scorpio shared the same planet as the ardent Aries, a Fire sign: Mars. Even if Scorpio remains a Water sign, it forever retains the passionate impulses of the Fire element. And we’ll give you a thousand guesses, fire and water, it boils. The sensitivity of Scorpio is comparable to the lava that sleeps under the surface of a volcano: you can’t see anything from the outside except for a light stream of smoke, but inside, it’s working at full speed.

This Zodiac Sign Cries (Almost) All the Time

The finned sign is not only the youngest of the three Water signs but also the youngest of the zodiac. Why is its place in the order of astrological signs important? Because Pisces symbolizes the end of a cycle and its infinite beginning again, the absolute fusion in the great whole of the Universe and the fact of being one with other living beings, globally. Yes, the description of Pisces could quite easily be sung by a Disney heroine twirling around in the autumn leaves, hair in the wind. Due to their favorite planet, the dreamy and nebulous Neptune, a star without borders, Pisces is extremely porous. To everything. Pisces natives are a bit like sponges on legs, absorbing the ambient atmosphere and its whiffs of various emotions. What dominates in this sign is not only its sensitivity but its ability to feel that of others. And we assure you, this is a full-time job.

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